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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) signed on December 11, 2009 the contract that grants the UPU managing authority over the Top-Level Domain Name, .post (

According to a press release by the Union, the UPU is the first United Nations agency to obtain a piece of real-estate space on the Internet for the global industry it represents.

ICANN President Rod Beckstrom and UPU Director General Edouard Dayan signed the contract at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland.

Read more: ICANN Grants Universal Postal Union .post

Leaders are key initiators and supporters of an e-government vision. Political leadership serves to diffuse the vision and to give it added value, said Mr. Lalith Weeratunga at the eGov Track of the eAsia 2009.

While a vision statement is needed, it is not enough. Leaders can help disperse the vision, the rationale and the validation for reform throughout the bureaucracy, he further noted.

Referring to the Government Information Centre (GIC) with the 1919 short code dial facility, he noted that due to the leadership and initiative of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, it has won a global award for best egov initiatives, providing valuable service to the public.

Read more: Leaders key initiators of e-gov vision – Secretary to President

Government agencies in the U.S. and worldwide are making big progress in using technology to improve citizen engagement and accountability, but are struggling to use IT as a means of analyzing citizens' preferences in order to tailor service delivery to individuals, according to a new report from Accenture, From e-Government to e-Governance:Using New Technologies to Strengthen Relationships With Citizens.

Read more: Study: IT Improving Citizen Engagement and Accountability, but Analysis Lacking

The squeeze on public budgets in the wake of the economic crisis is driving governments to rethink their approach to online government services or "e-government" as public authorities seek increased efficiency, according to new OECD analysis.

The impact of the financial and economic crisis on e-government in OECD countries says that many countries are using the crisis to refocus and speed up their e-government programmes. Germany and Korea, for example, have increased government spending on technology as part of their stimulus packages in order to stimulate the private sector and boost the long-term competitiveness of their ICT sectors.

Read more: Squeeze On Public Budgets Boosting E-Government, Says OECD

Leading governments are moving beyond traditional e-government initiatives to strengthen their relationships with citizens by using new technologies and modifying conventional models of service delivery in innovative new ways, according to a new Accenture report.

Entitled “From e-Government to e-Governance: Using new technologies to strengthen relationships with citizens”, the report explores the strategic intent driving many governments to leverage new technologies and identifies 10 e-governance strategies governments are adopting to strengthen the governance relationship.

Read more: Leading Governments Shifting Focus from e-Government to e-Governance, According to Accenture Report

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