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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Authorities in St. Kitts and Nevis are exploring the specifications of establishing a Government Wide Area Network (GWAN) in order to facilitate greater efficiency and enhance global competitiveness.

Nigel Cassimire, a Consulting Telecommunications Specialist with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) told SKNIS that the GWAN is an effective tool as it would essentially connect all of Government’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) operations and services.

“The more that we facilitate the interworking of Government, he said, “the more we make it easier for citizens and businesses to interface with Government, Mr. Cassimire explained, while noting that Ministries and Departments must work together to simplify processes.

Read more: St.Kitts and Nevis government considers Wide Area Network

Government’s effort to provide greater e-services and boost efficiency within the public sector is being assisted by a team from the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) who are undertaking a three month technical audit of the Information Technology infrastructure.

During the launch of the programme on Tuesday, Minister responsible for Telecommunications and Information Technology Honourable Glenn Phillip told SKNIS that the country stands to benefit greatly from this exercise.

“What we intend to do in the future is to provide e-Government services that will enable our citizens to really interact with Government in a number of ways,” he stated, noting that it will allow for instant feedback as well as increase transparency. “Persons will be able to log on to whatever Government website and see exactly what is happening in different Ministries of the Government and so this is a step forward.”

Read more: KN: CTU assists government to assess gaps in ICT infrastructure

Minister of Education, Senator the Hon. Nigel Carty, has indicated that education is an important element in the growth of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) within the Federation.

The Education Minister shared this view during a Monday, January 31 press conference organized to update the public on the progress of the government initiative, I-Literacy One-to-One Laptop Project.

Carty explained that it was necessary to educate children at all levels in ICT, in order to ensure the development of a successful economy.

Read more: Education Viewed As Key ICT Building Component in St. Kitts-Nevis

The use of information technology in the daily operations of private businesses and public sector entities has been identified as a critical element in increasing productivity and expanding market access for the goods and services produced in the Federation.

So says St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas, who also disclosed plans to establish a National Foundation for the Advancement of the Information Society

Read more: St. Kitts and Nevis touts ICT successes

Consultations on the practical use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in developing societies are concluding in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Officials from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat spent February 3 and 4 at the National ICT Center dialoguing with officials from the public and private sectors and civil society on the draft Regional ICT4D (Development) Strategy Plan which is a five year policy document.

The Secretariat’s Senior Project Officer for ICT Development Jennifer Britton, told participants that the document dubbed the Regional Digital Development Strategy was crafted by the Regional ICT Steering Committee along with consultant Dr. Camilla Rhone. Ms. Britton added that the current tour of member states is designed primarily to familiarize citizens with the plans and to get a sense of the situation in each country.

Read more: KN: Digital divide discussed at national ICT4D consultation

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