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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The EU recently ran a workshop dedicated to open source software and international cooperation - and its presentations (available online) make interesting reading, if you need an international view on public sector open source software.

The workshop was organised by the European Commission's Information Society and Media Directorate General, more particularly the units dealing with "Software Technologies" and "International Relations".

Read more: EU workshop on open source software: view the presentations online

EU-funded research has played a key role in transforming Europe’s public services in recent years, but more can be done to ensure they benefit fully from developments in information technology (IT), according to a recently published study on the sector.

While making a valuable contribution to Europe, the findings of a 30-month study, measuring the impact on the public sector of EU-funded research, show that more could be done to match projects’ objectives to the reality on the ground.

Read more: Study: Public Sector Title Holding the slide rule up to EU-funded research

EUROCITIES and Deloitte present the findings of the 2nd annual "e-Citizenship for All" benchmark survey, which shows the progress being made by European cities with regard to internet access and online services.

At the EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum – TeleCities spring conference in Tallinn, supported by the City of Tallinn, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu’s public sector group presented the findings of its second European benchmark survey into eCitizenship for All 2004, an annual joint initiative of EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum - TeleCities and Deloitte.

Read more: ''e-Citizenship for All'' benchmark survey results presented in Tallinn

The European Union program for Interoperable Delivery of eGovernment Services to Administrations, Businesses and Citizens(IDABC) promotes the correct use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for cross-border services in Europe. Several IDABC activities have a sensible, although indirect, impact on the wider adoption of free and open source software (FOSS) in the European Union; in fact, promotion of open source software and applications has been a long-term IDABC goal since 1999.

Read more: IDABC: Toward a digitally interoperable Europe

eCitizenship modernisiert öffentlichen Sektor - Bevölkerung profitiert von den Vorteilen der Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft

eGovernment hat sich in den meisten europäischen Kommunen durchgesetzt: Mit Hilfe von neuen Medien haben die Kommunen Geschäftsprozesse, die die Bevölkerung oder Unternehmen betreffen, vereinfacht und damit ein bürgerfreundliches und serviceorientiertes Angebot geschaffen. Hauptgrund für die Verbesserung des elektronischen Serviceangebots war die Nachfrage aus der Bevölkerung und der lokalen Wirtschaft.

Read more: EU-Studie: eCitizenship für Alle - Bürgernähe im Internet

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