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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Citizens stand to gain the most from the Government’s robust Information and Communications Technology (ICT) roll-out of services in education and health says Science and Technology Minister Dr Rupert Griffith. He was speaking at Wednesday’s opening of the National Information and Communication Technology and Strategy Conference themed SmartTT held at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad, Dock Road, Port-of-Spain.

“Education in particular can be seen to be made more available to the public as distance learning and online tuition offer citizens greater opportunities for self-improvement in an ICT-empowered society,” Griffith said. In order to realise the real and potential benefits an improved ICT sector affords, Griffith said, the Government has given its commitment to promote the integration of ICTs into our society by increasing the activities and prominence of entities intimately tied to the sector.

Read more: TT: Citizens to benefit most from Govt’s ICT roll-out

Public Administration Minster Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan said yesterday that her ministry was taking in the challenges, needs and expectations citizens expect from the Public Service and making significant improvements, including e-government services (online services), making State agencies a one-stop shop for all government business, and streamlining jobs by making contract positions permanent.

"We have a lot of services, especially information and communication technologies (ICT) in the public service, but the Service has never been transformed to take advantage of that," Seepersad-Bachan told the Express yesterday during the launch of Public Service Week on the Brian Lara Promenade, Port of Spain.

Read more: TT: 'Public Service to get make-over'

Trinidad and Tobago jumped three spots to place 60th overall out of 142 countries in the 2012 Global Information Technology Report, published earlier this month by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Even with its slightly improved ranking, Trinidad and Tobago lagged behind other Latin American and Caribbean countries such as Barbados (35th) and Puerto Rico (36th), although it outperformed several larger territories in the region, including Brazil (65th), Jamaica (74th) and neighbouring Venezuela (107th).

Read more: TT: Effective Governance Key to Caribbean ICT Development

The National Information and Communication Technology Company Ltd (iGovTT) will launch a mobile devices pilot on June 18 with a view to exploring how mobile technology can improve the efficiency of communications and collaboration within the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

Speaking with the Sunday Guardian, chief executive officer of iGovTT, Kendall Tull said there was a number of things happening in collaboration with the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. “The next step we are looking at right now is a pilot programme that examines mobile devices across all platforms and the ways that we can integrate these productivity tools into Government.”

Read more: TT: iGovTT works to increase efficiency in Govt sector

Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (STTE), Fazal Karim, recently called for nationwide access to Information Communication Technology (ICT) to improve citizens’ access to education, health and business services.

“ICT plays a pivotal role (in) the transformation of Trinidad and Tobago into a knowledge-based society (because) it is the most cost-effective tool for connecting our citizens and our businesses, and is the platform from which Government hopes to diversify the economy...and improve levels of access to primary services to improve the quality of life of citizens,” Karim stated. He noted this was why two years ago, Government sought to develop a National ICT Plan, building on the connectivity drive during Phase One from 2003 to 2008.

Read more: TT: Nationwide access to ICT

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