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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A tota of 36 teachers and 45 students from nine schools in Bukoba Municipality are currently attending a four-day workshop to improve their skills in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT).

Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Project Co-ordinator, Mr George Rubayuga, said the workshop was part of the Connecting Classroom Project, being supported by the British Council.He named the primary schools taking part in the project as Mugeza Viziwi, Rwemishasha, Tumaini, Zamzam, and Amani English Medium. Secondary benefiting from the proeject include Kibeta, Kahororo, and Rutunga.

Read more: TZ: Bukoba: Teachers, students attend ICT training

Communication companies and parents should ensure that growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is for positive changes to the society and not a source of moral-decay, President Ali Mohamed Shein said on Saturday in Zanzibar.

In his speech before launching the ZANTEL's 3G-high speed internet wireless broad band services in the Island, Dr Shein emphasized that growth of technology should mean development.

"As we move from analogy to digital technology, use of mobile phones and internet should ease communication, search for information for students, share ideas and drive us to be innovative," said Shein. He said the history of telecommunication in Zanzibar, from 1880 when the wireless and cable were first installed in the islands is broad, "but Zanzibar is proud to be the first country in the region to have improved communication network."

Read more: TZ: Zanzibar: Shein - Growth of IT Should Mean Isles' Development

The government is reviewing the National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy of 2003 to make it match with changes in the ICT sector and ensure equitable access to opportunities.

The policy review process has come at an opportune time when ICT is increasingly becoming an important ingredient and tool in all facets of socio-economic activities, as demonstrated by the importance that the mushrooming initiatives are occupying in our society, including government, schools, economy and health.

This was said yesterday in Dar es Salaam by Minister for Communication, Science and Technology Prof Makame Mbarawa at the ICT stakeholders’ forum convened to kick-start the policy review.

Read more: TZ: National ICT policy review is underway - government

E-learning Africa (eLA) 2012, the continent’s largest conference of high level policy-makers, decision-makers and practitioners from education, business and public sectors will take place in Cotonou, Benin, on May 23-25.

A similar continental conference took place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, last year and was attended by 1,702 participants. Our staff Writer JUDICA TARIMO interviewed Tanzania Global Learning Agency (TaGLA) interim Executive Director Charles Senkondo on how Tanzania will benefit from the continental conference and its relevance to Africa’s future. Excerpts...

Read more: Tanzania to participate in e-learning forum

Reports that the government has wrapped up the National Information Communication and Technology Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) project can only mean good tidings. The new infrastructure is expected to transform traditional services into online e-transactions or e-services.

The first part of the project, which was completed in May 2010, covered three routes— Northern Ring I that covers Babati, Arusha, Moshi and Tanga; Northern Ring II that covers Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Iringa, Dodoma and Singida and Western Link I and II that take care of Shinyanga, Mwanza, Geita, Biharamulo, Rusumo and Kabanga.

Read more: TZ: Here’s our chance to gain from ICT

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