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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The new ICT policy, which has taken over four years to compile will soon be presented to Cabinet, Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister Supa Mandiwanzira has said. Speaking to TechnoMag in a YouTube video interview, the minister said the ICT policy was high priority as the industry needs serious regulation to address a number of anomalies.

"What we are working on right now is that by end of March, I should have taken the revised ICT policy to Cabinet for discussion and hopefully adoption," said Minister Mandiwanzira

Read more: ZW: New ICT Policy to Be Presented to Cabinet

Civilisation has progressed through various stages of existence. The 21st century ushered us into the Information Age also known as the Digital Age. Coupled with globalisation, the information age has made the world much smaller and more accessible to its inhabitants. People today are tethered to their phones, tablets and computers constantly browsing the web for information and entertainment.

Ask any of those in the Generation Y (those born from 1980 till now) how they feel about the internet and they will probably tell you that the UN should add "free wi-fi" to the Declaration of Human Rights.

Read more: ZW: Taking Government Through the Digital Age

In an earlier article, we mentioned that the government was making strides towards establishing an electronic health record system. This was based on the experience we had of Mpilo Central hospital having set up an electronic system that was being used mainly for accounting purposes. It turns out the Ministry was working on something bigger.

The prevailing hardcopy system or health records is outdated and a nightmare. At the central hospital level, shortage of storage cabinets and folders has seriously hampered the ability to retrieve records and gather information for research. A trip to the records department to retrieve a patient’s old clinical notes can prove to be a Finding Nemo mission of swimming through an ocean of paper.

Read more: Zimbabwe hospitals introduce a new e-Health system: How does it work?

The immigration Department has computerised some of its offices at border stations and airports to enhance service delivery. Principal immigration director Mr Clemence Masango yesterday said the department was also operating an online visa application (eVisa Zimbabwe) processing system in line with the country's e-Government project aimed at modernising and improving service delivery in the public sector.

"Among other achievements, the department has computerised most of its border stations and airports as a way of enhancing efficient service delivery.

Read more: ZW: Immigration Department Computerises Stations

The Zimbabwe Investment Authority's one stop shop centre model is not working as envisaged, amid revelations that it has become another stopover delaying the approval of investment proposals.

The model was launched by President Mugabe in 2010 with a view to expediting the investments approval process by bringing all relevant regulatory agents under a single roof.

Read more: ZW: 'Zia One Stop Shop Not Working'

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