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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Information and Communication Technology minister Supa Mandiwanzira yesterday disclosed that government’s economic intelligence data was being handled by a foreign-controlled company, EOH Holdings, an arrangement he described as a security risk.

He said EOH, a Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed company, had acquired 49% shares from local firm Twenty Third Century Systems and its subsidiaries. The system allows businesses to track customer and business interactions and data management programmes.

Read more: Zim economic intelligence in foreigners’ hands

The Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Courier and Postal Services has raised security concerns over the use of a sole software supplier to implement the e-Government programmes in light of recent reports that the company, Twenty Third Century Systems, was recently acquired by a foreign-owned firm.

Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed EOH recently announced it would buy between 49 percent and 80 percent of Twenty Third Century Systems and its subsidiaries for an undisclosed amount.

Read more: ZW: Govt raises red flag over software firm

Government is moving to consolidate its grip on the telecommunications sector through forcing mobile operators into infrastructure sharing as it seeks to control cyberspace, while keeping the biggest mobile operator Econet Wireless in check.

Informed sources said this week as part of government’s attempt to control cyberspace, the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) which is now under the Office of the President, has this week been holding meetings on infrastructure sharing.

Read more: ZW: Govt moves to tighten telecoms grip

Zimbabwean telecommunications companies need to "adapt" their business models, share infrastructure and migrate more to data enabled services or risk marked decline in revenues, Finance Minister, Patrick Chinamasa said Thursday.

He said rapid technological developments in the industry were necessitating the shift in strategy and also highlighted that infrastructure sharing would be implemented.

Read more: ZW: Adapt or fall - Zim finance minister warns telcos

Nobody enjoys doing taxes. Besides the fact that you are giving up money, there are the huge inconveniences that come with the process; from filling out forms, queuing just to make inquiries and also following up on previous payments to verify your compliance.

Everyone has always expected technology to fix these challenges and thankfully our local revenue authority, ZIMRA, agrees. Earlier today, we attended the launch of the ZIMRA e-services platform. The revenue authority was formally introducing the public to its new online system that will handle a number of tax obligations electronically.

Read more: ZW: ZIMRA launches e-services platform, enables engagement of tax issues online

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