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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Civilisation has progressed through various stages of existence. The 21st century ushered us into the Information Age also known as the Digital Age. Coupled with globalisation, the information age has made the world much smaller and more accessible to its inhabitants. People today are tethered to their phones, tablets and computers constantly browsing the web for information and entertainment.

Ask any of those in the Generation Y (those born from 1980 till now) how they feel about the internet and they will probably tell you that the UN should add "free wi-fi" to the Declaration of Human Rights.

It is evident that the internet can be used to make life more efficient for people.

Universities, for example, have online application and registration processes. The vast amount of academic material available online means students need not worry about canvassing libraries looking for the one journal article they so desperately need.

The internet has also contributed to making governments more efficient and effective. Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services and exchange of information communication transactions.

It also allows for integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-customer, government-to-business, government-to-government as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire government framework.

In this current age of the internet and information it certainly would be beneficial to government and citizens for there to be an online component to government.

The Zimbabwean Government is yet to fully embrace e-governance and much like the rest of the continent, placed on a global spectrum is definitely lagging behind in this digital age.

Currently, Government does not have an extensive online presence.

Few ministries do have websites.

However, these seem to be individual sites created by the individual ministries and therefore they do not relate to the other arms of government.

Some of the websites such as that of Parliament seem to have been last updated in 2006, while the website for the Ministry of Health has missing files although they are listed to be available for download. The Ministry of Home Affairs does not have a website.

For us the public, a government with an online presence is beneficial in that not only will one be able to readily attain information at any time during the day, but it will also give us easier access to government services.

One might say that it is fortuitous that Minister Supa Mandiwanzira was appointed to the Ministry of Information Communication Technology. This ministry is critical to moving Zimbabwe through the digital age and thus requires an individual poised and knowledgeable on ICT matters.

Minister Mandiwanzira's previous work in the media private sector illustrates his capability at leading such an important ministry.

With the current lack of technological infrastructure it would be advisable for government to partner with the private sector to build the necessary infrastructure as an e-government would service state and civil society.

Nancy Hafkin lists seven prerequisites necessary for e-governance to work effectively in a state.

These are: A minimum threshold level of technological infrastructure, near universal internet access, human capital (designers and users), legal frameworks/enabling environment, political will, integration and redesign of government organisation and processes, consideration of people's issues, public service culture, technophobia, reaching min- orities.

Political will might possibly be the foremost important of those pre- requisites.

Exercising it would propel Government towards committing resources to developing infrastructure and capacity that would result in Zimbabwe becoming technologically astute.


Quelle/Source: AllAfrica, 15.01.2015

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