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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government has started investigations into the construction of the multi-billion shilling national internet cable which is two years behind schedule, Mr Nyombi Thembo, the state minister for Information and Communication Technology said yesterday.

"A consultant has been selected to make a technical audit to see if government got value for money," Mr Nyombi said at a meeting to discuss Uganda's digital broadcasting migration, in Kampala yesterday. "The contractor has accepted to fill the gaps in case of any inadequacy that is detected," he added.

Read more: UG: Inquiry Into National Internet Project Starts

Government has launched a state-of-the art centralized data center.

Information Communication Technology minister, Ruhakana Rugunda launched the Government unified messaging and Collaboration Platform at NITA-U.

The data Centre is part of the IT infrastructure that will host key Government applications starting with secure messaging and collaboration systems.

Read more: UG: Govt launches centralized data Centre

The outgoing ICT minister Aggrey Awori has asked the incoming minister to critically monitor the sh254b national data fibre backbone and e-government infrastructure.

“It is the most expensive in the ministry. We got it through a Chinese loan, but it had a difficult birth with hiccups,” said Awori at the recent handover of office to Ruhakana Rugunda.

The backbone plan that entails laying over 2,100 kilometres of fibre optic cable has had its share of scandals, from reported financial mismanagement, wrong use of equipment and local contractors who could not do quality work and some of the work had to be repeated.

Read more: UG: Rugunda told to watch over ID project

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has created new platforms where members can access information about their savings.

The SMS and online service – all of which can be got over the mobile phone – will help members get information from anywhere, limiting the long journeys to the Fund’s office to seek clarification. To access balances through the sms platform, customers are required to type their NSSF number and send to 6773. Each SMS will cost Shs 220.

Read more: UG: National Social Security Fund launches online platform

Uganda’s Busia has opened a new ICT district business information center as the government continues to increase the sectors footprint across the country. It will enable the surrounding rural areas a chance to improve on their IT presence.

Commissioned by Minister of Information and Communications Technology Aggrey Awori, the project aims at serving Eastern Uganda and the areas bordering Kenya.

Read more: Uganda sees new ICT center

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