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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Uganda’s Busia has opened a new ICT district business information center as the government continues to increase the sectors footprint across the country. It will enable the surrounding rural areas a chance to improve on their IT presence.

Commissioned by Minister of Information and Communications Technology Aggrey Awori, the project aims at serving Eastern Uganda and the areas bordering Kenya.

“This is an effort to bring technology to the people. In this era that nothing operates without computer intervention, the locals must strive to be computer compliant, but above all take advantage of this resource that the government has provided closer to you,” the minister told local residents on Thursday.

Uganda already has ICT centers in rural districts as part of the ministry’s Rural Communication Development Fund Program.

Awori added that ICT tools “can be used to secure jobs the world over.” His ministry hopes the new center will bolster the growing need for technological advancement in areas outside the capital Kampala.

“The ICT technology is targeting the youth with intellectual capability to surge forward and go for these jobs both in the national and international platforms,” added Awori.


Quelle/Source: Bikya Masr, 06.03.2011

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