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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Armenian government upheld today a proposal to sign a mutual understanding memorandum with India for creating a telemedicine network in Armenia.

Armenian Health Minister Derenik Dumanyan said at the proposal made by India implies cooperation with an IT company.

Earlier, Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Manasaryan said India had already chosen a company, and on Armenian side, the health ministry will be involved in the deal and one of Armenian IT companies.

Read more: Armenia, India to cooperate in telemedicine area

The process of replacement of usual passport with biometric ones will start on January 1, 2014, in all the provinces of Armenia, Vardan Bichakhyan, chief of the police department’s passport and visa unit, says in a video statement posted on the police’s official website.

Starting from 1 June, 2012, residents of Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor who want have such passports may do it. According to the police’s decision, the process of elimination of old passports will start on January 1, 2014.

Read more: Police: transition to biometric passports to start in 2014 all over Armenia

Every citizen of the Republic of Armenia (RA) will have a special individual e-mail address to contact with the Government, stated Davit Sargsyan, the Head of Government Staff, at the presentation of the “Development of Armenia – e-government system” project.

The RA citizens will receive notifications by the e-mail addresses from the governmental bodies. They may as well send messages.

Read more: Every citizen of the Republic of Armenia will have free e-mail

E-government system will be introduced in the Notary Chamber of Armenia before this year’s autumn, the chamber’s press office reported today.

It means notary officers will have necessary documents and data online.

The introduction of the new system will also reduce red tape and will provide notary officers with full contacts with the Justice Ministry’s State Registry of Legal Entities, the State Real Estate Cadastre and law enforcement agencies and offices of civil registrations.

Read more: E-Government system to be introduced in the notary chamber of Armenia before this year’s autumn

A new project on transactional e-governance development will be launched in Armenia December 3 with support from the European Union.

The new e-Armenia initiative aims to create transactional electronic services, assist the digitalisation of the Armenian civil registry and provide Armenian citizens with a new way to communicate with their Government.

The project will also digitize the national archives, create an electronic statistics system and an email system for government contacts. The overall efforts are expected to strengthen public sector reform in Armenia and introduce new systems for e-Governance, leading to a positive impact on democratic development and good governance, as well as transparency and anticorruption measures.

Read more: Transactional e-governance development project to launch in Armenia

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