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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The process of implementation of biometric passports will start in September 2011. Armenia has been preparing for the changes since 2008 at the request of the UN. The purpose is to make the Armenian passports and identification documents more reliable, thus becoming more trustworthy for other countries, Head of the Passport and Visa Department of the Police Norayr Muradkhanyan told a press conference today.

Social security cards are expected to come out of use after the implementation of documents with biometric data. Their number will be posted on ID cards and biometric passports.

Read more: AM: New biometric passports to be valid for five years

Passports with biometric data will soon be issued in Armenia. The passports will contain all the data, including handprints.

The content for the introduction of e-passports was held October 27 to December 10, 2010. Eight foreign companies participated in the contest.

Read more: Biometric passports in Armenia soon

Citizens of the Republic of Armenia can get electronic passports this year. The implementation of the system of electronic passports and ID cards is expected to reinforce the security of individual documents of the citizens.

According to the Chief of the Passport and Visa Department of RA Police Norayr Muradkhanyan, the implementation of biometric/electronic passports will help avoid a number of problems at checkpoints.

The electronic passports include the same information as the current passports plus the fingerprints. ID cards will be used inside the country, while the biometric passports are necessary for leaving abroad.

Read more: AM: Citizens can get electronic passports this year

The results of the tender for Armenia’s biometric passport and eID are set to be announced by the end of the month.

According to local media, a total of eight international organisations have bid for the tender to produce the documents.

Citizens will be able to receive their new documents from September 2011. The passports will contain the holder’s full name, date and place of birth, photograph and fingerprints. The eID cards will hold an electronic signature instead of fingerprints.

Read more: Armenia readies for eDocuments

The Center for Telehealth Development plans to launch the commercial exploitation of the telehealth network until the end of 2011.

During presentation of the project at a venture conference as part of the Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) Hrant Khachatryan said that works on the project development have lasted for two years, while the project is half-implemented.

5 aid stations of Armenia’s rural communities will be connected to telehealth network as part of the test launch in cooperation with UNICOMP company.

Read more: 5 aid stations of Armenia’s rural communities to be connected to telehealth network in 2011

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