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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
E-government system will be introduced in the Notary Chamber of Armenia before this year’s autumn, the chamber’s press office reported today.

It means notary officers will have necessary documents and data online.

The introduction of the new system will also reduce red tape and will provide notary officers with full contacts with the Justice Ministry’s State Registry of Legal Entities, the State Real Estate Cadastre and law enforcement agencies and offices of civil registrations.

“The database of warrants has already set up and is being tested in three notary offices in Yerevan,” the report says.

The Notary Chamber of Armenia, established in 2004, protects interests of notary officers.


Quelle/Source: Arka News Agency, 22.05.2013

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