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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The central city of Da Nang aims to be among the top three performers in digital transformation, information security, and e-commerce by 2030, according to a resolution issued by the city Municipal Party Committee. The city is developing e-government to provide all online public administrative services at level 4; have 60% of level-3 and 4 non-business services provided on multiple digital platforms and supported on mobile devices and have all governmental agencies provide open data.

Online public services in Vietnam are classified into four levels, depending on the tasks that can be performed digitally. The first level comprises public services that provide online access to all information regarding the service, including procedures, required papers, deadlines, fees, and service charges. The second level allows users to download the required forms to be printed and filled in later. The third level allows applicants to fill and submit forms online, however, they still have to pay fees at the relevant government bodies. Service payments can be settled online at the fourth level.

Read more: Da Nang, Vietnam Aims to be Top Smart City by 2030

The General Department of Taxation plans to debut its e-tax application for mobile devices, Etax-mobile, in August to facilitate taxpayers particularly amid the complicated developments of COVID-19. So far, about 99% of enterprises in the country are using electronic tax services. However, the proportion is much lower among individuals due to inconvenient support software. This is why the department began the development of Etax-mobile. In the immediate future, the application will be provided for individual use on iOS and Android platforms.

In addition to supporting functions provided on the e-tax system via the web platform, the application will provide enhanced user experience services, additional search functions, and links to banks’ payment applications, according to a news report. The department said that, with 60 million individuals having tax codes, the use of Etax-mobile will help taxpayers easily access related administrative procedures and communicate with tax authorities. They can transparently and conveniently fulfil their tax obligations anywhere.

Read more: Vietnam To Launch E-Tax Application for Mobile Devices

The digital economy in Vietnam accounts for about 8.2% of GDP. The development potential of the Internet and digital economy components is still quite large.

Unleashing this resource will contribute to socio-economic growth and improve national competitiveness.

Read more: Vietnam's growth potential lies in the digital economy

The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) recently held a seminar regarding the digital address system, towards a goal of each family having one.

At the event, Deputy Director General of the MIC’s Department of Enterprise Management Nguyen Trong Duong said COVID-19 has changed the habit of people across the globe as more entrepreneurs and organisations use the internet to work and study, for entertainment and shopping.

Read more: VN: Information Ministry to build digital address database

The COVID-19 pandemic has created motivation for digital transformation process and sped up the adaption of cloud computing in organisations and businesses.

According to Conor McNamara, Amazon Web Services (AWS)’s Managing Director for ASEAN, the cloud computing market is predicted to thrive, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19 that has led to rising demands for IT application in businesses.

Read more: VN: Cloud computing helps businesses promote digital transformation

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