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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The African Development Bank (AfDB) will support the third phase of Morocco's Public Administration Reform Support Programme (PARAP III) with a € 66 million loan approved on Wednesday in Tunis, by the Bank's Board of Directors.

The Programme aims at achieving four key objectives: Strengthen public finance management, improve efficiency in human resources management, control the civil service wage bill and streamline procedures and introduce e-government. The overall goal is to promote strong economic growth and sustainable development, thereby strengthening the competitiveness of the economy while ensuring medium-term macro-economic viability.

Read more: Morocco - AfDB Approves 66 Million Euros for Public Administration Support Programme

In a move towards greater access to legal texts in Morocco, the Secretariat General of the Government of Morocco (SGG) has published the complete legal texts of its Official Bulletins (OB) online in both Arabic and French.

The database, which can be accessed through the Secretariat General's website at, compiles all legal texts published since 1913, covering a period of more than 93 years.

Read more: Morocco publishes century of legal records online

The Ministry-Delegate in charge of General and Economic Affairs has published the first document on ‘e-Maroc' (e-Morocco) strategy, which is part of a communication package aiming to give a clear vision on the future objectives and perspectives of the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Morocco.

The package, composed of a CD-ROM and six booklets, contains information about the five axes of ‘e-Maroc' strategy. It includes “e-government: ICT for good governance”; “ICT and Enterprises: ICT for competitiveness”; “ICT Industry: potentials and perspectives”; “Digital Public Space: ICT Vector of democratisation".

Read more: Morocco: Government publishes document on ‘e-Maroc' strategy

The Government of Morocco has agreed to partner with the Development Gateway Foundation and the Government of Italy to deploy a new e-government system that will streamline public procurement processes, increase competitive bidding and save money for Moroccan taxpayers. A letter of intent was signed today at the International Forum of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategies and Investment, in Marrakesh.

Technical assistance and seed funding for the project will come from the Development Gateway's e-Government Grants Program, a partnership with the Government of Italy. The World Bank will provide additional co-funding. The project includes a new procurement management system and a national public tender website to increase access to government contract information.

Read more: Morocco to Deploy Electronic Government Procurement System

Morocco is set to boost e-government which has become a "strategic objective for the economic and social development of the country, according to Prime Minister Driss Jettou.

Morocco cannot stay on the fringes of the universal digital society because it would affect its competitiveness and development efforts, said Jettou at the opening of the annual national forum of e-administration "e-forum 2005."

Read more: Morocco set to boost e-government

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