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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In November 2011, the volume of sales of goods and services made through the public eProcurement portal of Norway, eHandel, reached the record value of NOK 660 million (approx. € 85.6 million).

November 2011 was a record month for the number of orders placed online, with over 48 200 transactions. In addition, 401 suppliers used of the platform while the number of public entities present on the portal on the same month was 151, against 99 in November 2010.

Read more: NO: Public eProcurement platform breaks new record

On 16 November 2011, ePrescriptions were introduced in several Vestfold county municipalities with the aim to increase the level of security of patients, doctors and pharmacies.

Prior to mid-November, the only municipalities issuing ePrescriptions in Norway were those of Hordaland county (Southwest Norway) with one exception, namely Larvik municipality in Vestfold county (Southeast Norway). Now more municipalities of Vestfold county - Tønsberg, Sandefjord, Horten, Re, Tjøme, Stokke, Nøtterøy and Andebu - have adopted ePrescriptions.

Overall, 143 medical practices, 60 pharmacies and nine medical supply outlets use electronic prescriptions on a daily basis. More than 300 000 prescriptions have been issued by doctors since their introduction in spring 2010.

Read more: NO: ePrescriptions introduced in Vestfold county

On 21 October 2011, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance published the tax rolls for 2010. The Parliament decided that this year this information should be made accessible on the website of the Tax Administration - - only, after logging on the authentication portal 'ID port/MinID' with one of the following eID solutions: MinID, Buypass ID or Commfides e-ID.

The tax rolls are records of a taxpayer's (natural or legal persons) name, year of birth (or year of creation for companies), zip code, city, taxation municipality, net income, net assets and assessed tax amount. The remaining information is not public. It is worth noting that the numbers are not necessarily final. For example, they may change as a result of an appeal to an assessment. The tax rolls are updated three times a year.

Read more: NO: Online access to tax rolls through ID port/MinID

Nearly 300 000 ePrescriptions have been issued in Norway since their introduction on 18 October 2011.

ePrescriptions are being gradually rolled out throughout the country and full adoption is expected by 2013. 32 municipalities and 60 pharmacies are currently involved in the ePrescription programme, which is responsible for establishing a national, fully electronic information chain for prescription drugs and medical supplies in Norway. This chain consists of the Norwegian Medicines Agency, doctors, pharmacies and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV). It is led by the Norwegian Directorate of Health and is owned by the Ministry of Health and Care Services.

Read more: NO: Country-wide implementation of ePrescriptions a success

FiksGataMi, an open source-based service to report local street problems to Norwegian local authorities, launched an upgraded version of its website on 12 September 2011. This new version - FiksGataMi v2.0 - is easier for both citizens and municipalities to use.

FiksGataMi is a nationwide service to report faults and problems in the public sphere of local government, including holes in the road, graffiti, unauthorised dumping of rubbish and defective street lighting. Using the FiksGataMi website, citizens are able to report problems they have found to the relevant municipality or discuss them with other users.

Read more: NO: Website upgrade for open source-based service FiksGataMi

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