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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
During a visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPR Korea), the Director-General of the World Health Organization acknowledged the government's notable public health achievements such as good immunization coverage, effective implementation of maternal, newborn and child health interventions, excellent DOTS coverage for tuberculosis and successfully reducing the malaria cases.

Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO; Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Deputy Regional Director, South-East Asia Region and Mr Fu Cong, Adviser to Director-General participated in the visit from 26-28 April to discuss collaboration with Government officials and UN agencies.

Read more: WHO Director-General returns from Democratic People's Republic of Korea country visit

North Korea formally launched a medical videoconference network Tuesday aimed at giving smaller, rural hospitals access to specialists in the capital Pyongyang with the help of the World Health Organization.

WHO has been providing cameras, computers and other equipment to North Korea to help the reclusive, impoverished country connect a main hospital in Pyongyang with medical facilities in 10 provinces. The system is designed to allow doctors to talk to each other to provide additional services to rural patients.

Read more: North Korea launches medical videoconference network with help of WHO

Land bietet Kunst, Propaganda-Poster und Reisen an | Natürlich nur gegen Euro | USD sind verpönt | Dazu eine Ausstellung in Spanien

Read more: Nordkorea eröffnet einen Webshop

Internes Netz verbindet Universitäten

Während viele Staaten die Internet-Nutzung strikt überwachen, bleibt Nordkorea komplett vom weltumspannenden Netzwerk abgekoppelt. "Das Land ist bei weitem das größte schwarze Loch im Internet", sagte Julien Pain, Leiter der Internet-Sektion der Bürgerrechtsorganisation Reporter ohne Grenzen, gegenüber der US-Tageszeitung 'New York Times' (Montagsausgabe). Jeglicher unkontrollierter Kontakt der Bevölkerung zu Ausländern soll auf diese Weise unterbunden werden.

Read more: Nordkorea bleibt vollständig vom Internet abgekoppelt

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