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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Indonesia's National Flight and Space Agency (LAPAN) will help launching program of communication satellite to support long distance education held by the Ministry for the National Education, Kompas daily quoted an official as saying on Saturday.

The satellite named after the country's prominent education hero Ki Hajar Dewantara will be connected to 50,000 points (schools).

The agency's head Adi Sadewo Salatun said on Friday that "tele-education satellite" will refer to concept implemented by many countries like India, China and Nigeria.

Read more: Indonesia's space agency prepares educational satellite

Progress in technology requires the government to continue improving and adapting their governance systems. One of the efforts is to implement e-government. The Agency for the Assessment & Application of Technology’s (BPPT) information technology and communication center director, Tatang Taufik, said the agency is encouraging every province to develop an e-government system.

“We are now initiating e-government in Surakarta, Pekalongan, Purwakarta, Bogor, Kendal, and Banyuwangi," he said, announcing the establishment of e-government in Surakarta yesterday.

Read more: Indonesia: Provinces Asked to Develop E-Governance

All villages in Indonesia are expected to be covered by telecommunications networks and have access to the Internet, a minister said.

Information and Communication Ministers M Nuh said here on Friday that the total number of villages in Indonesia which had not yet been covered by telecommunications networks reached 31 thousand and at the end of 2009 or early in 2010 at the latest, they all were expected to have been covered by the facilities.

Read more: Indonesia: Internet networks to cover all villages in late 2009

Indonesia is better than India, South Africa and China.

Waseda University Institute of e-government in Tokyo, Japan has released its annual report entitled Waseda University International e-Government Ranking. The 2009 report is the fifth report on the observation of e-government development in the world.

There are 34 countries with various levels of economic growth all over the world. The countries include South Africa, United States of America, Holland, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, China, Fiji, Philippines, Finland, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, England, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, France, Peru, Russia, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Read more: Indonesia Ranked 23 on E-Government

The government's efforts to improve transparency and efficiency by applying IT-enabled services is providing a good opportunity for developers to tap deeper into the country's lucrative, but largely undeveloped, e-government market.

Tata Consultancy Services, a top Information Technology services, business solutions and outsourcing firm, is certainly one of the companies hopeful of securing several e-government projects this year and next, said Girija Pande, the executive vice president and head of Tata Consultancy Services Asia Pacific, in a recent interview.

Read more: Republic of Indonesia's e-government market lucrative

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