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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Benue State House of Assembly, alongside other States, have been told to immediately imbibe the culture of ICT for its obvious advantages to good governance.

Also, members of the legislature have been told to be bold and insist on good governance as their constitutional rights, so that in the long run society will be better for it and posterity will judge them faithfully.

Read more: Nigeria: Imbibe ICT Culture for Good Governance, Legislators Told

Nigerians from all walks of life are optimistic that broadband deployment and penetration will boost the economy and cause an unprecedented revolution that will help actualise vision 2020.

Most people, who spoke on the expectations for broadband, during an opinion poll conducted by Daily Independent, were confident that broadband penetration would leapfrog Nigeria into the digital superhighway, and called on technology service providers to fast-track the deployment of last-mile solutions, which they said, would boost broadband revolution in 2010.

Read more: Nigeria: Citizens Optimistic On Broadband Revolution in 2010

One of the major challenges facing Nigeria since the return of democracy in 1999 is the capacity of core stakeholders in the various aspects of democratic governance.

The legislative arm of government -- the major victim of military regimes -- constantly had to start learning the rope each time civil rule is restored.

The committee staff in the legislature at all levels; legislative aides and other support staff, most times found themselves as beginners as a result of suspension of civil rule.

Read more: Nigeria: ICTs for Parliamentary Efficiency in Nation

The Bayelsa State Government has vowed to prosecute civil servants indicted in the ghost workers’ scam.

Governor Timipre Sylva said this on Monday at the Government House, Yenagoa, while receiving the report of a government staff audit, which will reportedly save his administration about N3.5bn.

The audit showed that the state government had 3,867 ghost workers on its payroll.

Read more: Nigeria: Bayelsa to prosecute ghost workers’ syndicates

The Director-General of the Nigerian Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Professor Cleopas Angaye,,says the deployment of the Submarine Cable System (SAT-3) will accelerate Internet penetration in the country.

Speaking at a stakeholders’ meeting on feasibility study on SAT-3 held in Abuja on Thursday, Angaye said that deployment of SAT-3 would enhance interfaces, network security issues, e-Government and e-payment.

Read more: Nigeria’s Satellite-3 to guarantee internet penetration, says official

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