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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Postmaster General/Chief Executive Officer of Nigerian Postal Service, (NIPOST) Ibrahim Mori Baba has said that postal sector reform was committed to the procurement of appropriate technology for digital inclusion in the 21st century knowledge.

The Postmaster-General of NIPOST who spoke last week in Lagos during a stakeholders engagement meeting with Telecom CEOs in Nigeria in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications told the audience in attendance that the post office network is arguably the best platform for achieving digital inclusion of the rural populace in Nigeria.

Read more: Nigeria: Postal sector retooling for digital inclusion, says NIPOST boss

Experts from various parts of the country on Monday converged the College of Medicine of the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan to evaluate the success of the Telemedicine Pilot Project and design the way forward to advance the healthcare delivery.

Addressing the opening session, the Minister of Science and Technology, Alhaji Alhassan Bako Zaku disclosed that the success recorded by the pilot project of Telemedicine had been acknowledged by the various state governments in the country leading to the directive given to their various ministries of health to set up their networks to reach the rural areas and enhance referral systems.

Read more: Nigeria: Experts Storm UCH Ibadan to Evaluate Success of Telemedicine Pilot Project

The Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF) Nigeria and the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) said they have concluded plans to train no fewer than 10 million Nigerians on Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) scheme.

The training programme is to hold over the next 12 months.

Representatives of the two organizations made these known at a two-day stakeholders' forum which held in Ibadan, Oyo State capital, last week.

Read more: Nigeria: USPF, CTO to Train 10 Million Citizens, Warn Against Vandalisation

Medical and technological experts are hopeful that telemedicine will have more prospects for the future of the nation’s health sector.

The experts, who gathered at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan for a workshop titled ‘Telemedicine: Future and Challenges in Nigeria’, said telemedicine seeks to bridge the gap of access to good health between the rural and urban dwellers, describing it as ‘a confluence of communication technology, information technology, bio-medical engineering and medical science.

Read more: Nigeria: ‘Telemedicine will improve healthcare’

Managing Editor and Chief Executive Officer of eWorld Magazine, Aaron Ukodie said at the weekend that he expects industry stakeholders to come up with a more comprehensive national broadband development action plan at the Forum which holds firts week of march 2010.

According to Ukodie, there is need for a more concerted effort to push the frontier of broadband development in Nigeria because of its impact on gross domestic product (GDP) current global focus.

Read more: Nigeria: National broadband development action plan needed at eWorld forum

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