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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
  • have tried out ChatGPT myself and found it really good. This has marked a new stage for the future development of AI,’ technology chief Sun Dong says
  • blic consultation on AI supercomputing centre for top talent to be carried out this year, he adds

Hong Kong aims to develop its own artificial intelligence-based chatbot platform, similar to the popular ChatGPT, to catch up in the global race for innovation, the city’s technology chief has said.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong aims to develop its own ChatGPT-like platform based on artificial intelligence,...

Industry and capital markets have high expectations after the national-level Digital China blueprint was released this week to guide China's development of the digital economy in terms of data, artificial intelligence, cloud, 5G and other innovations.

The guidelines set a specific timeline for China's digital construction. By 2025, the digital infrastructure will be efficiently connected through a broad range of sectors, and China will become a global leader in digital innovations. By 2035, the level of digital development in China will be at the forefront of the world, according to the Digital China blueprint.

Read more: High industry expectations from new Digital China blueprint

The ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), a regional macroeconomic surveillance organization, estimates that the ASEAN's economy could grow by 4.6% this year, down from 5.3% in 2022, but still outstanding compared to other regions’ performance.

Despite this, their infrastructure such as housing, public security, education, and medical care cannot keep up with the economic improvements. From my encounters with government officials and academics of Asian countries over the recent years, I perceived their strong needs and demands for advanced urban planning and development. Therefore, I have repeatedly urged the Hong Kong Government to seize this market since 2019, but the pandemic here has disrupted the efforts.

Read more: CN: Smart City as a Service is Hong Kong’s way forward

In striving to integrate into the national development, Hong Kong must seize the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area opportunities and capitalise on its advantages as an international innovation and technology centre.

Financial Secretary Paul Chan made the statement this morning when delivering the Budget speech, noting that as Hong Kong integrates into the national development, the city must fully leverage its unique advantages and irreplaceable role under "one country, two systems" to make proactive contributions to the modernisation of the country.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong: I&T crucial to national development

Xiongan is a window into Xi Jinping’s ambitions.

About 60 miles south of the center of Beijing, a new city is being built as a showcase of high-tech ecologically friendly development. Its massive high-speed rail station and “city brain” data center have been heralded by Chinese state media as evidence of the speed and superiority of China’s growth model—not least because the city is a “signature initiative” of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Xiongan New Area is also a test for whether China can boost domestic innovation and climb into the ranks of advanced nations in the face of slowing economic growth and efforts by the United States and others to restrict its access to advanced technology.

Read more: China’s Futuristic City Is a Test of Its Planning Power

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