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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
NINETEEN companies submitted bids yesterday for a multi-million dinar project to create Bahrain's Smart Card system.

The multi-purpose electronic card, the first of its kind in the world, is expected to be issued to every individual in Bahrain by the end of next year.

Read more: Bahrain: 19 firms in bid for Smart Card project

Another significant development took place in Bahrain's e-government project when Batelco and the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) signed a memorandum of understanding. Batelco will be working on the e-government initiative with the CIO, the Central Statistics Organisation, the body that runs central government computer systems and infrastructure.

Read more: Bahrain: Batelco and CIO sign MoU

BAHRAIN took a step into the future last night, with the signing of an agreement that will pave the way for electronic government

Batelco and the government's Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) signed a memorandum of understanding, which defines Batelco's role in providing state-of-the-art communications technology.

Read more: Bahrain: Batelco steps into future with new deal

Bahrain's e-government project took a significant step forward on yesterday, when Batelco and the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) signed a memorandum of understanding.

The agreement defines Batelco's role in providing communications technology for the Kingdom's pioneering e-government initiative.

Read more: Bahrain: Batelco commits to e-government project

The Bahrain government's Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) is to build its advanced national e-government infrastructure based on the open standard Linux platform.

The move is key to Bahrain's advanced national e-government initiative and comes as part of a wide-ranging agreement reached between CIO, Gulf Business Machines (GBM) and IBM to supply software, hardware and services to support the transformation of citizen services in the country.

Read more: Bahrain CIO to build e-govt infrastructure

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