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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

UZ: Usbekistan / Uzbekistan

  • Uzbek e-government portal begins operation

    Uzbekistan July 1 began testing its unified inter-active web portal for e-government services (, UzDaily reported.

    The portal allows citizens to access more than 40 services – a number that will grow, Sherzod Shermatov, deputy chairman of the State Committee for Communications, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, said. They include registering for internet and phone service and obtaining tax receipts.

  • Uzbek parliament approves law on e-government

    The Senate of Oliy Majlis (upper house of the parliament) of Uzbekistan approved the law on electronic government at the fourth plenary session.

    This normative act is aimed at further improving the efficiency of activities of state bodies, improving the system of provision of public services to the population, individuals and legal entities through the expanded use of information and communication technologies (ICT), senator, member of the Senate Committee on Legislation, Judicial and Legal Affairs of Uzbekistan Tolibjon Madumarov said.

  • Uzbek President signs passport decree

    The President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, has signed a decree to improve the country’s passport system.

    It aims to improve the issuing and renewal of passports, as well as travel documents for stateless people, in accordance with international standards and requirements.

    Reports also indicate that the country plans to introduce biometric passports from 2011.

  • Uzbekistan adding biometrics to its passports

    The Uzbek government has announced a plan to install new biometric devices to help with the process of creating passports.

    The new biometric scanners are capable of recording an individual's biometric features in one pass through the machine, double-checking them and printing the information into a passport book, reports.

    The first stage of the program, which will begin in 2011, will focus on creating biometric passports for government workers, individuals travelling abroad and select citizens.

  • Uzbekistan and South Korea to cooperate in development of e-government, digital economy

    The Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan and Ministry of Public Administration and Security of South Korea signed a memorandum of understanding on establishment of the bilateral group of experts for cooperation in e-government and digital economy.

    The document was signed by Minister for Information Technologies and Communications Shukhrat Sadikov and Minister of Public Administration and Security Chin Young.

  • Uzbekistan boosts e-government

    Uzbekistan's Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution on the establishment of Center for development of e-government and Center for Information Security under the State Committee for Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies.

    Under the resolution, the main objectives and activities of the first center are developing strategy for development of e-government, as well as those based on the analysis of global trends and experience of foreign countries, providing a unified technological approach in the formation of the system.

  • Uzbekistan considers draft law “On e-government”

    The Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of Uzbekistan considered the draft law “On electronic government” of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the first reading, said the message of the lower chamber of the Uzbek Parliament.

    The MPs, having considered the draft law, said that its adoption will promote to a clear definition of the basic directions of implementation of the system “Electronic government”, the increased use of information technologies in activity of state bodies in the interaction with citizens, organizations, enhancing efficiency, transparency and openness of activity of bodies of public administration.

  • Uzbekistan forms IT Ministry

    Uzbek President Islam Karimov has signed a decree on "Establishment of the ministry of development of information technologies and communications".

    According to the decree the ministry is being established on the basis of the State Committee of Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies.

  • Uzbekistan Plans to Complete the Switch to Biometric Passports by December 31, 2015

    As has been previously reported, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the passport system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" the issuing of biometric passports to citizens of the country is underway. Head of the department of entry, exit and registration of nationality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Colonel Badriddin Shorihsiev tells about the introduction of a new civil document that meets international requirements and the process of issuing of new passports:

    "It is hard to overestimate the occurred changes in social, political and economic spheres of the country since independence. For the past years, Uzbekistan became a member of several international organizations. One of them is the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It is established that the Member States of this prestigious organization switch to biometric passports from 2010. Today, more than one hundred countries around the globe practice biometric passports, and those include Uzbekistan.

  • Uzbekistan simplifies business registration

    A business-registration website is one way the country over the past couple of years has made starting a business easier.

    Starting a business in Uzbekistan now only takes 15 minutes.

    Ever since the government launched a business-friendly website at the beginning of the year, small-business people have been able to register a new company without having to wait several months or to collect heaps of various documents.

  • Uzbekistan starts application of biometric passport system

    Uzbek President Islam Karimov on Wednesday signed a decree on additional measures to improve the passport system in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    The preamble of the document states that it was accepted "in an attempt to further improve the procedure of registration, issuance and exchange of passport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as travel documents for stateless persons in the light of contemporary international standards and requirements."

    The decree approved the position of passport system and provision of biometric travel document to stateless persons.

  • Uzbekistan to create ‘e-government’

    The Uzbek government has adopted a decree on measures aimed at improving the work of the online state portal with consideration of delivering public services via the Internet.

    According to the document, the State Committee for communications, information and communication technology of the country has developed and will launch a single portal of interactive public services which will operate as part of the state portal and in the single window mode as well.

  • Uzbekistan to improve curriculum at colleges and lyceums

    Uzbek President Islam Karimov signed a decree on "Measures on further improvement the system of training and providing the secondary special and vocational educational institutions with qualified teaching staff".

    The President decided to reconsider the curriculum of colleges and high schools, removing the traditional methods of learning and increasing the amount of practice and the use of ICT.

    The inspection was carried out by special commissions. It revealed that there are serious shortcomings while recruiting teaching staff at professional colleges and academic lyceums.

  • Uzbekistan to improve ICT skills of executives

    Uzbek Cabinet of Ministers adopted a decree 'On the additional measures to improve the skills of employees of the public and economic governance bodies and local public bodies in the ICT field'.

    Under the decree, starting from April the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) and its regional branches will hold refresher courses for the public bodies' employees on using computers and the Internet, as well as, for the mastery of modern ICT, according to the Uzbek State Committee for Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies.

  • Uzbekistan to transition to e-government

    The system would provide more public services, increase transparency, reduce bureaucracy and ease public access to information, analysts say.

    Uzbekistan is working to upgrade its e-government capabilities in order to better connect with its citizens and businesses through a "single window" website-based approach that would offer government services, streamline processes and share information, officials told Central Asia Online last week.

    "The first step on the road to an e-government system is to create a website for every government agency, including those in local governments," said Khurshid Mirzokhidov, chairman of the State Committee for Communication, Informatisation and Telecommunication Technologies.

  • Uzbekistan works to improve e-government

    The cabinet has given agencies 2 months to whip their websites into shape.

    The Uzbek cabinet wants better government websites than the ones it has seen so far.

    "The main problem is a lack of skilled system administrators to run the websites," Salimjon Faizullayev, manager of the government's ZiyoNet educational clearing-house website, noted. "Also, some high-ranking officials consider their agencies' websites an 'excessive burden.'"

  • Uzbekistan: Public servants trained on application of ICT in public administration

    A training course "Application of ICT in the public administration" was held on 13-14 June 2008 in Nukus, Karakalpakstan and on 16-17 June in Urgench, Khorezm region.

    The training course was organized by the Communication and Information Agency of Uzbekistan and UNDP ICTP project "Assisting the government of Uzbekistan in the formulation and implementation of ICT for development policy".

  • Uzbekistan: Regional Trainings "Application of ICT in Public Administration" in Focus

    Regional trainings in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) under the general title "Application of ICT in public administration" have been carried out in the cities of Samarkand, Navoi, Bukhara.

    Approximately 150 participants from 3 regions of Uzbekistan, representing various government institutions, departments, agencies, and local businesses, took part in these events.

  • Uzbekistan’s Central Bank participates in creation of e-government system

    The Uzbek Central Bank is participating in the electronic government system.

    The bank is taking part in this system by means of realization and implementation of the project called 'Clearing system for real-time calculation of retail payments, taking into account the further integration with the service providers' billing systems, according to the bank's message.

    This project has been included into the projects list of the electronic government's information systems complex, said the message.

  • Uzbeks hire consultants for e-government project

    The Uzbek government hired Kim Nam Sok and a group of Korean consultants to help Uzbekistan institute e-government, the Uzbek State Committee for Communication, Informatisation and Telecommunication Technologies said in a March 19 statement.

    Kim, formerly the South Korean first deputy minister of public administration and security, will serve as deputy chairman of the Uzbek committee.

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