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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Uzbek government has adopted a decree on measures aimed at improving the work of the online state portal with consideration of delivering public services via the Internet.

According to the document, the State Committee for communications, information and communication technology of the country has developed and will launch a single portal of interactive public services which will operate as part of the state portal and in the single window mode as well.

A single portal providing online public services will be aimed at ensuring access of individuals and entities to information on services and functions provided by the state and economic management bodies as well as public authorities in the field.

Alongside, users will be given an opportunity of exchanging data online, making requests through a single point of access to integrated, interactive public services by public and economic administration and public authorities in the field and on a paid basis as well.

Consideration of requests and appeals of individuals and entities concerning the functioning of a single portal, including the monitoring of the quality of online public services provided by public and economic administration bodies and public authorities in the field will become available.

This measure is taken to ensure full exchange of data in electronic form, to expedite the procedures for the request and improve the interaction of entrepreneurs and the public with public authorities on the basis of use of information and communication technologies.


Autor(en)/Author(s): D.Azizov

Quelle/Source: Trend, 09.01.2013

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