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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As has been previously reported, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the passport system of the Republic of Uzbekistan" the issuing of biometric passports to citizens of the country is underway. Head of the department of entry, exit and registration of nationality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Colonel Badriddin Shorihsiev tells about the introduction of a new civil document that meets international requirements and the process of issuing of new passports:

"It is hard to overestimate the occurred changes in social, political and economic spheres of the country since independence. For the past years, Uzbekistan became a member of several international organizations. One of them is the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It is established that the Member States of this prestigious organization switch to biometric passports from 2010. Today, more than one hundred countries around the globe practice biometric passports, and those include Uzbekistan.

It should be emphasized that the introduction of biometric passports is imperative and requirement of time. Today, there is no country that had not been visited by a citizen of Uzbekistan. Of course, every citizen traveling abroad has a passport, which confirms his identity. And this document should meet international requirements. The introduction of biometric passports ensures security, the conditions for free movement from one country to another.

This creates convenience for passing the border, as a person is quickly and accurately identified, which in turn serves to increase of the efficiency of international air travel.

The biometric passport has a number of differences from the old-style passports. It contains 36 pages (in the old model has 32), enhanced protective layer, which complicates the possibility of tampering. This creates an obstacle to fraudsters and others involved in production of false IDs. A special device (chip) placed on the back cover of the passport includes information on the biometric data of the citizen. This simplifies and speeds up the identification of the person passing control at the international airport and at checkpoints on the border. In few seconds all information about the person is displayed on a computer. And it is very necessary to ensure the safety of citizens, detention of wanted persons to prevent terrorist attacks and other negative cases.

Today, all district departments of Internal Affairs of Tashkent issue new biometric passports and exchange the old ones. The police department of Tashkent region also started issuing new passoprts to citizens. It is planned to issue biometric passports to the police department of Syrdaryo region.

We would like to remind you that old-style passports are valid until December 31, 2015. During this period, it is scheduled to complete their exchange on biometric ones.

The process of issuing biometric passports has its own characteristics. A digital photography and fingerprints are taken from a person who wishes to exchange his passport. The passport is issued only after verification procedures: a computer check on the owner's biometric match with those listed in the passport. Therefore, getting of the passport into the hands of another person is practically impossible.

Issuance of biometric passports for children under 16 who travel abroad is provides.

Issuing biometric passports started in districts, all the conditions for citizens, including in the Yunusabad police department of the capital, have been created. Every day, except Sundays employees of the department take visitors. An inspector answers to all their questions and send them to the appropriate offices, provides advice and guidance to citizens.

Our goal is to safely complete the process of issuing biometric passports, and create all necessary conditions. In short, we must ensure that every citizen gets the new passport. And we will make every effort to do so.


Quelle/Source: The Journal of Turkish Weekly, 10.03.2012

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