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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Bahrain is ranked top in network readiness

    GCC countries are leading the world in availability of mobile infrastructure, with the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait joint first in coverage of mobile telephony, a report has found.

    INSEAD, an international business school, and the World Economic Forum, yesterday released the 12th annual Global Information Technology Report (GITR) with the support of Booz and Company and Cisco.

    Three GCC countries rank in top five on government usage of information and communication technologies (ICT) - the UAE (two), Bahrain (four), Qatar (five), with Saudi Arabia following in sixth place.

  • Bahrain Leads Arab e-Governments Listing

    SSS Process, the Jordanian Company specialized in providing e-government services and software solutions, commended on the rank several Arab e-governments have achieved, according to the UN Global e-Government Readiness Report.

    The 2010 report stated that Bahrain’s government succeeded in developing their e-portal and diversifies their technical services, leading the Arab listings and place itself in the 13th slot on the global scale. Remarkably, they were able to move forward 29 slots in 2 years.

  • Bahrain leads Middle East in UN E-Government survey

    Bahrain has been ranked first in the Gulf and wider Middle East in a United Nations e-Government survey. The 2010 UN Global e-Government Readiness Survey placed the Kingdom 13th of 192 countries worldwide in its application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to provide access and inclusion for its citizens.

    Bahrain has climbed 29 places from 42nd in 2008 in the survey, which considers e-Government development in the context of the overall economic and social development of a country. According to Shaikh Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa, Chief Executive of the Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB), the ranking further demonstrates Bahrain’s commitment to achieving the ambitions of the country’s National Economic Strategy and Vision 2030; both are designed to encourage further private sector growth, support further diversification of the economy and ultimately elevate national living standards by creating greater opportunities for Bahrainis.

  • Bahrain ranked 19th in the world with ‘best’ Internet services

    The International Internet Society, a non-profit organisation that sets standards and Internet policies in the world, has ranked Bahrain as 19th country in the world with the best Internet services.

    The Kingdom’s classification was based on the feedback of the society’s branch in Bahrain, and the speed of its “Internet growth” in particular, as well as its reliability, sustainability and ability to meet the requirements of data preservation and exchange.

  • Bahrain ranked most IT-friendly in MidEast

    Bahrain has leapfrogged the UAE and Qatar to be ranked the Middle East's most IT-friendly country in a global list published by the World Economic Forum.

    The Global Information Technology Report 2012 ranked 142 economies by examining the correlation between ICT readiness and economic growth.

    In the Networked Readiness Index (NRI), Bahrain was ranked 27th globally and first in the Middle East and North Africa region, up three places on the previous year.

  • Bahrain ranks 7th internationally on the E-Service Index

    The Kingdom of Bahrain ranked 7th worldwide on the E-Services Index according to the UN Report on E-Government Readiness (2012) gauged as per a set of fundamental elements such as Ministry-related websites including the Ministry of Education's website.

    Deputy Premier HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa the chairman of the Supreme Commission for Education and Training Development dispatched a message of thanks to the Minister of Education Dr. Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi on the occasion of the Kingdom of Bahrain's attaining this advanced position.

  • Bahrain ranks high in key ICT report

    Bahrain is ranked 30th in the world and third among Arab countries in its use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance competitiveness and development, a new report revealed.

    It is ranked below UAE (24th) and Qatar (25th), but came above Saudi Arabia (33rd) and Oman (41st), according to the Global Information Technology Report released by the World Economic Forum.

    It said that Sweden and Singapore continue to top the rankings, while Finland jumped to third place, with Switzerland and the US in fourth and fifth place respectively.

  • Bahrain Scores the First Position in the Telecommunications Infrastructure

    The Telecommunications Regulatory (TRA) announced today that Bahrain had scored the 1st position in the Middle East and the 19th position globally moving from 46th position in 2008 in the telecommunications Infrastructure index according to the United Nations' e-Government Readiness report of 2010.

    TRA's Chairman and Acting General Director Dr. Mohammed Al Amer praised the industry achievement and said "This United Nations recognition is a direct result of the vision of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa the Crown Prince, the guidance of HE Shaikh Ahmed bin Ateyatala Al Khalifa Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Minster responsible for telecommunications sector and the dedicated work of TRA team in encouraging infrastructure investment that supports the delivery of wider range of telecommunications services. I would like to thank all licensed operators for their investment and for putting faith in us."

  • Bahrain tops Arab world in UN e-government survey

    Bahrain has improved its United Nations e-government readiness rankings, jumping this year to the top of the Arab world and to the third spot in Asia and to the 13th place globally.

    No other Arab country or Middle Eastern country has ever reached such high levels

  • Bahrain wins top Mideast ranking

    Bahrain came first in the Middle East and 19th globally in the telecommunications infrastructure index, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) announced yesterday.

    It moved from 46th position in 2008 globally, according to the United Nations' e-Government Readiness report of 2010.

    "Through the regulatory measures, we are aiming to achieve higher Internet reach to the public at affordable prices to enable them benefit from e-Government services and applications," TRA chairman and acting general-director Dr Mohammed Al Amer said.

  • Bahrain's IT ranking falls

    Bahrain's global position in e-government readiness slipped seven places last year in an index compiled by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). Bahrain lost ground on its 46th world ranking in 2004 and ended 53rd worldwide last year, according to the UNDESA's Global e-Government Readiness Report 2005: From e-Government to e-Inclusion.
  • Baltic states: E­government supports transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies - global survey

    Lithuania comes 40th out of 193 countries in the United Nations' Electronic Government Development Index 2018, dropping 17 positions, compared to 2016. Estonia leads among the Baltic states, coming in 16th with 0.8486 points, and Latvia is 57th with 0.6996 points.

    Countries in all regions of the world are continuing to make strides in their efforts to improve e-government and to provide public services online according to a new report launched by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. In a 2018 ranking of countries on e­government development, Denmark, Australia, and Republic of Korea came out on top of a group of 40 countries, scoring very high on an index (the E-Government Development Index – EGDI), which measures countries’ use of information and communications technologies to deliver public services. The Index captures the scope and quality of online services, status of telecommunication infrastructure and existing human capacity.

  • Bangladesh edges 9 notches up in UN e-gov’t survey

    Bangladesh has been ranked 115th in the United Nations E-Government Survey 2018 among the 193 countries moving nine notches up from its previous 124th position in 2016.

    According to the UN survey report, Bangladesh is the highest ranked least developed country (LDC), an official of Access to Information (a2i) programme told UNB on Sunday.

  • Bangladesh moving slowly up in ICT

    Analysts say weak regulatory regimes cast a blight on the sector

    Bangladesh is moving slowly up in ICT advancement, ranking 113th in the "networked readiness index" this year among 142 countries.

    In the previous three years, Bangladesh progressed from 130th to 118th to 115th, according to the Global Information Technology Report: Living in a Hyperconnected World, prepared by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

  • Bangladesh ranks 124th in UN e-government survey

    Bangladesh has ranked 124th in the United Nations E-Government Survey-2016 among the 193 countries advancing by 24 notches.

    "This year, Bangladesh has been ranked 124. In 2014, and 2012 Bangladesh was ranked 148 and 150 respectively," an official of Access to Information (a2i) programme told BSS today.

  • Batelco Bahrain awarded ISO 27001 certification for e-Services

    Batelco's E-Services, the Company's online customer services portal, has been awarded ISO 27001 Certification - the International Standard for Information Security Management, following a rigorous auditing process conducted by Bureau Veritas Certification.

    Batelco is the first telecommunications company in the Kingdom of Bahrain to have its online e-Services certified with ISO 27001.

    A number of Batelco teams, led by the Information Security Team, cooperated to complete the comprehensive process and meet all the set criteria required by the auditing team at Bureau Veritas.

  • BD occupies 124th spot in UN e-government survey

    Bangladesh has occupied the 124th rank among 193 countries in the United Nations E-Government Survey-2016.

    The 2016 ranking is 24 notches better than that of 2014 (148), said an an official of Access to Information(a2i) programme on Friday, reports BSS.

  • Belarus Ranks 61st in Developing e-Government

    United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs published the statistical book "e-government. Review 2012," reflecting the progress of states in creation of electronic government. Belarus has improved its position by three points, ranking 61st place out of 193 countries.

    Index of e-government is formed of three factors: the extent and quality of online services, the development of telecommunications infrastructure and human capital. Belarus has special achievements in the indicator of the level of telecommunications infrastructure development. Thus, Belarus has risen by 36 positions from 84th to 48th place in this index compared to 2008.

  • Breitband: Offliner aus Überzeugung

    Im Breitband-Ranking liegen Deutschland und die USA im Mittelfeld. Fragt man nach Verbesserungspotenzialen, stößt man auf die schwierige Gruppe der Verweigerer.

    Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) hat ihr zweimal im Jahr erscheinendes Ranking der Pro-Kopf-Breitband-Nutzung veröffentlicht. Dänemark und die Niederlande liegen dabei mit knapp 32 Breitband-Beziehern pro 100 Einwohnern vorn, Deutschland und die USA liegen mit 17,1 und 19,6 Prozent im Mittelfeld, vor Spanien und Italien mit 15,3 und 14,8 Prozent.

  • Bremen, Hamburg und Stuttgart sind beim E-Government Spitze

    Bremen, Hamburg und Stuttgart sind Deutschlands führende Kommunen bei der elektronischen Verwaltung (E–Government). Das ergab ein Test des Nachrichtenmagazins 'Focus', bei dem die Internet-Auftritte der 77 größten Städte unter den Aspekten Bürgerservice, Stadtinformation, politische Information, wichtige Links und Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf den Prüfstand kamen.
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