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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

HT: Haiti

  • Haiti holds Microsoft Office 365 for Government training seminar

    The Prime Ministry through it E-Governance Unit said it is organizing a four day training seminar from July 22 to 25 for administration officials called Microsoft Office 365 for Government. In a statement, the instituted said the seminar is "in order to better adapt to the technological tools that are an absolute must to improve administration."

    The Office of the Head of Government said, he, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, "recognizes the importance of Information Technology and Communication (ICT)" and for this reason, "has decided to make a tool of governance, in accordance with his policy statement through which he had to identify the priorities of his government."

  • «The Digital Revolution of the Haitian Law»

    Dr. Bernard H. Gousse, Lawyer, has just released his book "The Digital Revolution of the Haitian Law" which treats among other : of E-governance, cyber-crime and of the reform of the Haitian law in this area. Dr. Gousse will be Saturday, May 26 to "J'Imagine Maison Henri Deschamps". 49, Rue Chavannes, Complexe Louverture to Pétion-Ville for a sale sign.

    " is a plea, for a thorough reform of the Haitian law, this is why I talk of revolution. This is not a simple adaptation a revolution, why ? Because until today, Haitian law in terms of proof, of trade, exchanges between private and in public administration, is based on the paper, ie that a document is valid only if signed of the hand of those who sign [...]

  • Haiti after the quake: Telemedicine remaking healthcare in one of the world's poorest countries

    Out of sight, out of mind, the familiar proverb goes. The people of Haiti know this; they live this. After the 2010 earthquake that decimated the country, killing some 316,000 Haitians and leaving some one million homeless, an influx of outside aid poured into the country. Today, much of that promised money has yet to materialize, and most aid groups have vacated. Haiti still remains the poorest and most disease-ravaged country in the Western Hemisphere.

    By establishing telemedicine clinics and extending care to Haitians in the most rural and forgotten areas, the endeavors of one group seek to put Haiti back into sight and back into minds - for good.

  • Haiti: ‘Telehealth’ revolution

    New technology makes medicine more accessible to Haiti

    At first, “telehealth” sounds less like a legitimate medical practice and more like a Star-Trekian method of curing diseases through willpower.

    Futuristic name aside, telehealth practices are rapidly working their way into doctor-patient interactions. What’s more, the growing telehealth community is now banding together with aid workers in Haiti to diagnose and treat thousands of earthquake injuries.

  • Haiti: Helfer orientieren sich an Hilferufen per SMS

    Koordination der Hilfsmaßnahmen als große Aufgabe

    Die Helfer in Haiti sind bei ihrer Arbeit mit vielen Problemen konfrontiert; eines der größten ist, herauszufinden, wo gerade welche Hilfe benötigt wird. Um die Maßnahmen effektiver koordinieren zu können, greifen sie nun auf SMS und Social Networks zurück. Durch die Auswertung der Hilferufe, die über diese Netzwerke abgesetzt werden, wird festgestellt, wo dringender Handlungsbedarf besteht, berichtet die New York Times. Die neu eingerichtete Notfallnummer hat sich bereits bewährt: Hilferufe nach Wasser und Nahrung haben die Hilfskräfte auf eine Zeltstadt aufmerksam gemacht, von der bislang keine der Organisationen gewusst hatte.

  • How Health IT will help Haiti

    As far as I can tell from news reports, what little healthcare infrastructure Haiti had before last week's earthquake is all but gone now. Yet, some advanced health information technology soon will be on its way to the devastated, impoverished Caribbean nation.

    Disaster-response specialist Randy Roberson should know later today whether a mobile medical clinic filled with state-of-the-art telemedicine gear and a satellite audio/video link will accompany him on a flight to Haiti, or whether the 20-foot shipping container known as the "Doc-in-a-Box" will have to make the journey by sea. Roberson will personally be carrying the "Bring 'Em Back Pack," a 25-pound, solar-powered, medical backpack with a telemedicine connection.

  • HT: Important meeting to the OPH on e-governance

    Earlier this week was held in the premises of the Post Office of Haiti (OPH) an important meeting between the General Directorate of Post Office, the Coordination Unit of the e-governance of the Primature and executives of the Foundation Network of Sustainable Development in Haiti (FRDDH).

    The Post Office of Haiti is committed to accompanied the government in the centralization of the registration and the standardization of domain names in order to allow to all the Ministries, their Directorates General, the Organizations autonomous and decentralized entities the use of these addresses to identify the institutions of the Haitian State.

  • HT: First positive impact of the e-governance advocated by the President Martelly

    The President Michel Martelly launched Tuesday, January 31, the modernization project of creation process of a limited company, on the initiative of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MCI). In the presence, among other of : Wilson Laleau, Minister of Commerce, parliamentarians and personalities operating in the business, the Head of State promised its full support for the realization of this ambitious project which will reduce the number of days to start a business in Haiti, as a limited company, from 105 to 10 days.

    This modernization project, a first in the history of the Haitian Public Administration, is part of the program of e-governance established by the current team in power. The new project aims to make the reengineering and computerization of steps associated with the creation of a limited company while meeting prescribed in the current legislation and will require the creation of new laws, including that of the electronic signature. Using modern technology, the MCI will be responsible for the operationalization of the various stages of this project, with the active support of the various actors involved directly and indirectly in the process.

  • HT: Launch of electronic declaration system by internet

    Marie-Carmelle Jean-Marie, Minister of Economy and Finance, proceeded Thursday at the launch of the e-declaration, an electronic system that allows taxpayers to make online their income declaration electronically (e-declaration) from the website of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) This service has been made possible due to a financial agreement of more than 100,000 U.S. dollars between the Ministry of Finance and the firm Turbo System.

    A technical support phone, open open office hours, was put in place: 2811-0448 and 2258-11110.

  • HT: New Gov't Initiative to Reduce Business Creation to 10 Days

    The Minister of Trade and Industry (MCI), Wilson Laleau launched on Tuesday a modernization project to reduce from 105 days to 10 days the registration of limited companies in Haiti.

    At the event Minister Laleau criticized the position of Haiti in the latest "Doing Business Review" of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), where Haiti lost eight spots in the rankings over the past year.

    This modernization project is a first in the history of Haitian public administration, part of the program of "E-governance" introduced by the executive.

  • HT: The country on the right track for E-Governance

    At the recent and 1st Forum of the Government, on the Information Technology and Communication (ICT), which brought together many great servants of the State, Antoine Verdier, Deputy Coordinator of the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH), emphasized in his speech the role of the OMRH in the implementation of e-governance and makes reference to the Unit for the Promotion of electronic Administration (attached to the Coordination of Public Administration) whose he detailed the mission:

  • HT: The e-governance needs of new legislation

    Reacting on the project of e-governance, one of the campaign promises of President Michel Martelly, consisting in the electronic management of data from the public administration, the engineer Rénol Guerrier, President of the Haitian Association for the Development of Information Technology and Communication (AHTIC) argues in favor of the establishment of a regulatory framework for the use of ICT in Haiti.

    Recognizing that the modernization of public administration, is a necessary step to allow Haiti to be competitive, the President of the AHTIC believes that such an objective requires much more than computers.

  • HT: The payment of taxes online is now a reality

    Friday, Ronald Décembre, the State Secretary at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Miradin Morlan, Director General of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) and Reynald Eugène, Deputy Director General of the General Administraton Customs (AGD), proceeded at a press conference at the launch of the new secure website for e-governance and announced "It is now possible for taxpayers, individuals and businesses to make their final tax returns, to fulfill their tax obligations to the DGI, online, without having to physically visit an office."

    "At the initiative of the Government, this system is the result of a public-private partnership between the MEF through the DGI, the AGD, commercial banks and the Central Bank (BRH)," indicated Ronald Décembre adding "It is enough to click on to complete the form based on the type of tax or taxes that one wants pay [...] After completing the form, the taxpayer must choose the commercial bank through which he wants to perform the transaction.

  • HT: The Single Window Electronic ready soon, but...

    As part of the modernization policy of state services to future entrepreneurs through the establishment of the Electronic Single Window (GUE) [initiated in November 2012] , the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) and the "Société générale haïtienne de Banque S.A." (Sogebank) signed a memorandum of understanding by which the commercial bank will serve as intermediary of payment by credit card, between clients and stakeholders [lawyers, notaries etc...] involved in the creation process of Limited Companies

    According to Laleau Wilson, Minister of Commerce, this important partnership reflects the government's desire to promote public / private partnership in Haiti.

  • Telemedicine Connects Earthquake-Ravaged Haiti to the World

    Just days after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, medical volunteers from the University of Miami in Florida arrived and set up a tent hospital in Port-au-Prince. Along with drugs and other medical supplies, the healthcare personnel brought a vital link to the rest of the world.

    "Everything was destroyed over there, and in the first days there was no Internet in Port-au-Prince," team member Antonio Marttos Jr, MD, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine and director of trauma telemedicine at Jackson Memorial Medical Center's William Lehman Injury Research Center in Miami, Florida, told Medscape Medical News. "But we were able to connect to our trauma center in Miami."

  • Telemedicine For Haiti: The University Of Miami Makes Trauma More Survivable

    Haiti is no stranger to trauma – as we were reminded on Tuesday, when a power-line accident and the ensuing panic killed 16 people during Carnival celebrations in Port-au-Prince.

    We need no reminding that Haiti is still recovering from a 2010 earthquake that killed as many as 300,000 people. During those catastrophic moments five years ago, it was hard to imagine a silver lining. But an important benefit did emerge – one, in fact, that may have saved some lives this week after the Carnival tragedy.

  • U.S. Doctors to Connect with Haitian Patients Via Telemedicine

    A group of medical and technical experts is leaving for Haiti on Saturday to bring telemedicine to connect victims of the earthquake to medical experts in the U.S. and Europe.

    Thanks to a new technology about the size as a 35 mm camera, Haitians injured in last month's earthquake will be able to see medical experts from all over the United States and Europe.

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