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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
At the recent and 1st Forum of the Government, on the Information Technology and Communication (ICT), which brought together many great servants of the State, Antoine Verdier, Deputy Coordinator of the Office of Management and Human Resources (OMRH), emphasized in his speech the role of the OMRH in the implementation of e-governance and makes reference to the Unit for the Promotion of electronic Administration (attached to the Coordination of Public Administration) whose he detailed the mission:

  • Develop and propose a management system of public information ;
  • Ensure the development and implementation of the management system of public information in government
  • Contribute to the reengineering process and existing administrative procedures in collaboration with the Cell Organization and Method
  • Develop and provide training to accelerate the process of integration of ICT in public administration
  • Develop and ensure the development of communication systems for enhanced collaboration and better information sharing within and between institutions
  • Ensure technical support to institutions on issues related to electronic administration
  • Develop and coordinate the implementation of tools that strengthen the online presence of the public administration
  • Put online the electronic directory of the Haitian public administration
  • Design and ensure the online positing of forms, of administrative and transactional formalities of the public administration in order to simplify and streamline the administrative procedures
  • Develop and implement mechanisms for access to administrative information
  • Propose and conduct studies aimed at simplification and reduction of administrative procedures by ICT
  • Make any recommendations concerning legislative and regulatory measures to facilitate the use of ICT, the use of electronic documents, electronic administrative acts in public administration.

In addition, Mr. Verdier clarified that the OMRH "as a strategic body of the Prime Minister has a role and responsibility of leadership and coordination in promoting activities to lead us to this modernization as desired for a modern and efficient public administration at the service of the population," adding that to succeed "it is important that at the operational level, a structure is also established at the Presidency, the Prime Minister's office and in each ministry and organism, to address this challenge, for a management of this modernization and its implementation," stressing "a strong commitment by all governmental bodies at all levels to challenge the bet entrusted to us."

Antoine Verdier which calls for good governance and ethics in government services advocated in this Forum, the creation of secure services available and relevant to users online, namely: an Administrative Information Centre (CRA) through the internet; a website of specific service and a specific website for each public entity.

To meet the challenge of new information technologies and communication, Mr. Verdier believes in conclusion that it is important "to rely on skilled human resources, responsible, committed, motivated and effective. "

Remember that this modernization of the State as desired, still face for its true operationalization, to the absence of ratification of priority Bills on eGovernment and electronic exchanges, filed by the Executive to Parliament since 2012.


Quelle/Source: Haiti libre, 30.05.2014

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