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Insgesamt 39655505

Sonntag, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The e-business strategy of the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) is a model for online services that other government agencies could benefit by following, according to a NSW Auditor General report.

Released on Wednesday, the report is the latest in a series on e-government. The RTA's registration services were chosen as a case study to highlight important aspects of online service delivery, says the report.

Weiterlesen: Australia: Traffic authority's road to ebiz gets green light

The Victorian government has allocated AU$138.5 million to a new information and communication technology network intended to allow health services around the state to share electronic health records.

Weiterlesen: Australia: Victoria links state health services via IT

Australia continues to be recognised as a world leader in the delivery of government services online, the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Richard Alston, said in a media release yesterday.

Weiterlesen: Australia continues to deliver on e-government

Following the re-election of the Labor Government in New South Wales, Premier Bob Carr undertook a reorganisation of portfolios and ministries.

Weiterlesen: Australia: NSW Government Says No To IT

Australia's government agencies and departments must lose the "silo" mentality that forces consumers to visit more than one Web site to undertake important tasks, a study has found.

Weiterlesen: Australias govt must work on online integration: report

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