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Sonntag, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Australia continues to be recognised as a world leader in the delivery of government services online, the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Richard Alston, said in a media release yesterday. Commenting on eGovernment Leadership: Engaging the Customer, a report by Accenture, Senator Alston said that the Federal Government's framework for the next stage of e-government was cited in the report as featuring "many of the hallmarks of leading-edge thinking about e-government today."

Unfortunately, Senator Alston's office did not have a copy of the report in digital form to email to us. A hard copy was available for faxing, though.

Accenture, despite its supposed accent on customer relationship management, had a broken link to the PDF of this report on its site (scroll to the bottom for the link).

In the absence of the report, we continue from the media release.

"The important issue for Australia is not our precise ranking in this survey - as Australia has ranked in the top five countries in various e-government reports over the last 12 months - but that we are consistently amongst the leaders. Internationally, we are recognised for our leadership in implementing and delivering e-government and in developing frameworks that support the transition from paper-based service delivery to electronic formats," Senator Alston said.

The media release said the most significant worldwide example of customer relationships management was Centrelink which "leads the world in delivering integrated multi-channel multi-agency services to individuals".

It also said Australia saw e-government as part of a wider transformation agenda, and, like other world leaders in this area, was adopting delivery mechanisms appropriate to its circumstances.

Quelle: The Age

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