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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Potential and Challenges of Information Technology for the Future of Bangladesh

As you may know, the Global Information Technology Report 2005-2006, sponsored by the World Economic Forum has been released. According to the report, Bangladesh is marginally improved but going backwards in terms of its ICT development. The report uses the Networked Readiness Index (NRI), covering total of 115 economies during the year 2005, to measure the degree of preparation of a nation or community to participate in and benefit from ICT developments.

Weiterlesen: Bangladesh: Sajeeb Wazed Joy's speech on ICT

E-governance refers to the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of the government. The main goals of E-governance are: better service delivery to citizens; improved service for business; transparency and accountability to minimise corruption; empowerment through information; and efficient government procurement.

Weiterlesen: Application of ICT in Bangladesh auditing

Communication Minister Barrister Nazmul Huda on Thursday said his ministry would launch Information Communication Technology (ICT) with e-governance for further development as well as proper maintenance of the country's communication network, reports BS.

"The most modern technology in our communication network will add a new dimension in the whole communication sector, which has already witnessed a massive progress after implementation of various projects over the last four and half years resulting in a new dynamism in the national economy," he said.

Weiterlesen: Bangladesh: ICT with E-governance to be launched

Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd, the state-owned gas company, is going to introduce e-governance application in processing its new industrial connections by April this year.

An agreement was signed in this regard between Titas and Business Automation Ltd, a local software giant on Monday in the city.

Under the agreement, software developer Business Automation will develop an online application processing and tracking system for the industrial clients of Titas Gas upon completion of which there will be more transparency, accountability and efficiency in new gas connection system.

Weiterlesen: Bangladesh: Titas to introduce e-governance by April

The Bangladeshi National Planning Commission will follow Sri Lanka's national 'e-governance' strategy as both countries have faced similar challenges in the field of e-government implementation.

“It is very clear that we can apply some of the key strategies already identified by Sri Lanka’s authorities in the e-government implementations,” S.A.S.M. Taifur, Project Director of the Bangladesh Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Task Force, told reporters just after the national conference on e-government at the SOFTEXPO 2005 in Dhaka.

Weiterlesen: Bangladesh to follow Sri Lanka's 'e-governance' model

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