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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have greeted the officials and employees of the republic on the occasion of International Public Service Day-2014.

In his message, the President said an efficient civil service is essential to fulfill hopes and aspirations of the people and establish good governance.

He appreciated the administrative reforms carried out by the ministry of public administration to reach the services to the doorstep of the people and expressed firm conviction that the civil servants would play a significant role in building Bangladesh as a prosperous country.

Weiterlesen: BD: President, PM greet civil servants on Public Service Day

Women entrepreneurs, who account for around two per cent of small and medium firm owners, are less likely to use the internet than men irrespective of income and education status, a study says.

The Asia Foundation which conducted the study on the business environment in Bangladesh found only 69 of the 3,800 firms surveyed had at least one female owner.

The study shows that women are about 40 percent less likely to use the internet than men, irrespective of income and education status.

Weiterlesen: BD: Women entrepreneurs lag behind men in internet use

Officials, contractors reluctant

Most government offices are yet to introduce e-tendering though it is one of the priorities of the government's 'Digital Bangladesh' initiatives, sources said.

Over 70 per cent government works are still being done through the old system of inviting bids although the Prime Minister had instructed all the ministries to implement e-tendering system in 2011.

Weiterlesen: BD: e-tendering not followed in most govt procurement

The idea of electronic tendering (e-tendering) has been doing the rounds for sometime in the country, though with no visible outcome as yet. As is often the case with the authorities here, it is the ideas - the charm of the ideas to be precise - that enthral them into a bewildering inaction, implementing those eventually becomes less than demanding. E-tendering is a case in point. It is not only a highly efficient tool to part with much of the cumbersome works at bidding and post-bidding stages, it has also proven the potential to ensure transparency -- a much needed goal that governance demands in order to be credible. It is easily accessible, secure and cuts on costs considerably.

Weiterlesen: BD: Electronic tendering

Bring vast rural population online, experts say

Experts at a seminar Saturday said internet for all means not only enabling access through networks and devices but also offering content that is relevant and useful to mass market consumers.

Getting Bangladesh's budding entrepreneurs and vast rural population online, will be a shot in the arm for the economy, they said and stressed on the need for trouble-free and easy internet connection for all with new, innovative and useful contents to empower people.

Weiterlesen: BD: Prompt connectivity to spur GDP growth

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