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Insgesamt 39463158

Mittwoch, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The E-Government National Centre (EGNC) yesterday called on citizens and permanent residents to name the Brunei National Portal in a contest through their Facebook page, a press statement said.

With half of Brunei's population connected to Facebook, the centre hoped to engage the public to enter the contest through their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/egnc.gov.bn.

"Participants should consider the functions of the portal and the purpose of the portal to create a single word name that can be used for the portal. The portal will host all e-government services such as bill payments, applications and renewal of licences," according to the centre's Facebook page.

Weiterlesen: Name The Brunei Nat'l Portal Contest Launched

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) yesterday signed with a South Korean institute an agreement to establish a joint research centre here eyed to expedite the Sultanate's e-government initiative.

The planned "UBD-Kaist E-Government Innovation Centre" is expected to be established soon in UBD and will provide objective views and capacity-building programmes to push Brunei's e-government agenda, said Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology's (Kaist) Director of eGovernment and Green IT Research Centre (KeGRC).

Brunei's civil service will be the first to undergo such training programmes on e-government to be provided by the new centre.

Weiterlesen: Universiti Brunei Darussalam To Set Up Research Centre To Speed Up E-Govt

A contract signing ceremony on housing development department network infrastructure between the Housing Development Department and Dinamik Giat Company was held yesterday at the department's building at the old airport.

Such e-government project is to build an infrastructure network that will link the Housing Development Department headquarters to its branches through Eg bandwidth.

This would facilitate services through e-government infrastructure such as e-mail, housing development information system (e-SIK AP), Promise, Government Employee Management System and many others.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: Housing Development Dept Inks Deal With Dinamik Girt On E-Govt Project

Within six months the Housing Development Department (HDD) will have more sophisticated net-work infrastructure to facilitate e-government services such as e-Sikap, an initiative by the HDD to speed up the process of housing applications.

The contract was signed yesterday between HDD and Perniagaan Dinamik Giat to update the department's network infrastructure, a project which will link HDD headquarters with its respective branches via broadband.

The project will also improve existing network infrastructure such as email and the Government Employee Management System, while streamlining others like e-Sikap.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: Faster e-Sikap To Speed Up Process Of Housing Applications

The Housing Development Department of the Ministry of Development today signed a contract on Infrastructure Network with Dinamik Giat Trading Company, in an effort to make Housing Development services more accessible to the general public through the e-Government network.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: Ministry of Development signed a contract on Infrastructure Network

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