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Insgesamt 39463180

Mittwoch, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The e-Government flagship project, the Business Licensing System (BLS), is aiming to be functional by the middle of this year, giving applicants a streamlined process when applying for a new business, translating to an improvement in the Sultanate's Ease of Doing Business (EODB) rank.

Government officials, Vascco Taman, Mak Hon Sheng, and Ya-Anenawati Hj Md Yusuf, of the BLS Secretariat, briefed The Brunei Times on the current status of the project, and are hopeful that the project can be in service this year.

Weiterlesen: BN: New e-system makes process of business licensing easier, faster

The e-Government Executive Training Programme for Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Permanent Secretaries commenced yesterday, organised by the e-Government Innovation Centre (eG.InC), University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) in collaboration with the e-Government National Centre (EGNC).

The opening ceremony, held at the Indera Samudra grand Hall of The Empire Hotel and Country Club, was attended by Dato Paduka Awg Hj Matsatejo bin Sokiaw, Permanent Secretary (Energy) at the Prime Minister's Office on behalf of Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Awg Hj Mohammad Yasmin bin Hj Umar, the Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister's Office and Chairman of Brunei's e-Government Leadership Forum.

Weiterlesen: BN: e-Government Executive Training Programme Gets Underway

The Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI) and Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), the government IT agencies of both countries, have renewed their collaboration and technical cooperation on telecommunication regulatory areas.

The two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Project Addendum (PA) to further leverage on their existing cooperation framework and cover new areas on corporate services and human resource development, postal services, domain name registration and an industrial internship programme for fresh graduates and students undertaking ICT-related diploma courses.

Weiterlesen: Renewed ICT collaboration between Brunei and Singapore

With the adoption and usage of IT in the government workplace still low, the permanent secretaries and deputy permanent secretaries have been asked not to remain passive but instead become the driving force in the country's e-Government transformation.

According to Pehin Datu Singamanteri Col (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin bin Hj Umar, the Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister's Office who is also the Minister-in-Charge of e-Government, statistics from the EGNC (e-Government National Centre) indicated that only 15 per cent of the registered government e-mail accounts are active, while statistics on GEMS absorption rate showed that less than 26 per cent of GEMS accounts created for all government employees are used.

Weiterlesen: BN: Call To Increase Govt's IT Usage

The E-Government National Centre (EGNC) has entered into an agreement with IT Protective Security Services Sdn Bhd (ITPSS) for the provision of IT security services and Managed Security Services (MSS) for the government's networks, servers, operating systems and applications.

Under the two-year contract, ITPSS will provide IT security services to all government ministries and departments, including managed security services, incident response, vulnerability assessment and security audit, security awareness programmes, training and secure operations support as well as providing helpdesk and IT security support to the EGNC.

Weiterlesen: BN: ITPSS to provide EGNC with IT security

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