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Samstag, 5.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Central East LHIN Investing in Nurses and Telemedicine Technology

More residents living in the Central East LHIN will benefit from specialist care closer to home as the LHIN supports its health service providers to recruit 20 new telemedicine nurses to expand care delivery.

For patients this will mean improved access to health care, less travel and an increase in the types of health care services available at more than 80 telemedicine sites across the LHIN’s Scarborough, Durham and North East clusters.

Weiterlesen: CA: Ontario: Technology Helping to Improve Access to Care

Until recently, the casual visitor to eHealth Ontario’s web site might have had the impression the province’s long-awaited Diabetes Registry is on line and operational.

“The implementation of the DR in the fall of 2011 is an important step toward achieving province-wide electronic health records (EHRs) for Ontarians,” the web site said, prior to a major overhaul launched at the end of June.

Which it would have been, had it been true.

Weiterlesen: CA: Ontario: eHealth needs surgery

Study suggests governments need to expand online services, improve public awareness

Canadians are already more likely to go the online route when accessing government services — when the option is actually available, that is — and want more digital choices to avoid having to pick up the phone, use snail mail or wait in line, suggests a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada.

Weiterlesen: Canadians want government e-services, but won't pay for it

It's safe to assume that dealing with Service Canada is not an experience many Canadians look forward to. Standing in line is about as enjoyable as sitting in rush-hour traffic, mailing an application is far from a quick delivery, and listening to elevator music while you're on hold is not a fun way to use your smartphone.

As a result, Canadians are developing a preference for the online alternative. Government e-services just might be the best thing since online banking, and Canadians across the country would love to see more of these digital services available. We just don't want to pay for them.

Weiterlesen: Improved government e-services appeal to Canadians – but only if they’re free

Today, the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women, is pleased to announce that the Shared Services Canada Act received Royal Assent on June 29th, 2012. With its passage, the Government of Canada is re-affirming its commitment to streamline, consolidate and standardize information technology (IT) infrastructure services in order to reduce costs and improve email, data centre and networks across government.

"I am pleased that the Shared Services Canada Act has received Royal Assent," said Minister Ambrose. "We continue to move forward with our mandate to streamline IT, save money, and end waste and duplication," said Minister Ambrose.

Weiterlesen: Minister Ambrose Announces the Passage of Legislation on Shared Services Canada (SSC)

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