Heute 1567

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40005142

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

PT: Portugal

  • Bulgaria to collaborate with South Korea and Portugal in e-government project

    Bulgaria will share best practices with South Korea and Portugal to develop the country's electronic government (e-government) project, Finance Minister Simeon Dyankov and Deputy Transport and Communications Minister Purvan Roussinov said.

    In 2011, Bulgaria will allocate about 35 million leva under the EU's administrative capacity operational programme for the project, Deputy Finance Minister Boryana Pencheva said.

  • Portugal and Spain interconnect public eServices

    As from the end of February 2010, several Portuguese and Spanish eGovernment services will be interconnected, thus allowing any citizen of one of the two countries to access and use the services of the other country.

    This development has been made possible under the framework of a collaboration agreement concerning the validation of their respective electronic identity certificates, which Portugal and Spain signed in September 2009.

  • Portugal in top three for e-government services

    Online public services provided by the Portuguese state remained in the top three of the 33 countries analysed by Brussels for the ‘European e-Government Benchmark’ study according to a statement from the State Secretary for Administrative Modernisation, Joaquim Pedro Cardoso da Costa.

    Portugal finished in the top three with a strong performance in three of the four categories subject to analysis.

    With regard to “citizen-centred services,” the country turned in a second-placed ranking whilst third for “transparency” and the field of “key information technology facilitators”.

  • Portugal on track with public sector simplification

    Portugal has made good progress in simplifying its public sector functions and processes through a programme of administrative simplification and e-government since 2006, according to a new OECD report.

    The report, ‘Making Life Easy for Citizens and Businesses in Portugal, Administrative Simplification and E-Government’ analyses Portugal’s simplification programme, known as the ‘Simplex’ initiative, and finds that it has come far in a short time with the transformation of its public sector and its service delivery.

  • Portugal well covered for Internet, but few use it

    Portuguese citizens are amongst the European populations that least use the Internet despite the country being one of the best equipped and offers connectivity that is above the European average, an EC study revealed this week.

    The 2009 report on digital competition that was commissioned by the European Committee showed that the European digital sector had made “strong progress” since 2005, with 56 percent of Europeans regularly using the Internet in 2008.

  • Portugal: Direct Social Security service accessible via eID card

    Since 26 June 2010, it has been possible to access the 'Direct Social Security' service using one's electronic identity Card (the Citizen Card - Cartão de Cidadão, in Portuguese).

    This step is the first achievement of the Simplex Programme 2010 (Simplex'10). The initiative aims to progressively expand online access to other services.

    According to the information available on the Simplex Programme website, the next step will be the implementation of the service 'Authentication in the Finance Portal with the Citizen Card'. It is planned to be launched by September 2010.

  • Portugal: Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Development presented Digital Agenda 2015

    The Portuguese Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Development unveiled on 20 September the Digital Agenda 2015, a programme that forms part of the country's Technological Plan.

    The Digital Agenda 2015 seeks to improve the quality of the services provided to Portuguese citizens and businesses, through the use of new generation networks and support to the export of goods and services by the country's businesses.

  • Portugal: Saúde 24 helpline receives user recognition for its services

    In September 2010 an independent research reported 100 % user satisfaction with the Saúde 24 service (Health 24, in English) in August 2010. S24 is a telephone-based service that offers clinical assessment, health advice and health information for the people of Portugal. Another independent report showed 94 % of awareness in June 2010.

    The efficiency and value of S24 was put to the test during the influenza pandemic of 2009 - and the service rose to the challenge. During the year covering this period, more than 1 600 000 calls were handled by a significant 1 000 health professionals at call centres in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra who were exclusively dedicated to flu triage and referral. Research was conducted with users of the service to ask about their experience. According to the research, 98 % of users were satisfied with the service, while a further 98 % would recommend it to others. Currently, the S24 services that are provided both in Lisbon and Porto mobilise more than 500 health professionals.

  • Portugal’s Smart Cities Market

    A Surge in Innovation and Growth Through 2030

    Portugal’s smart cities market is on a significant upward trajectory, fueled by substantial investments and strategic initiatives aimed at transforming urban living. The sector is set to experience remarkable growth over the coming years, driven by funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and other key investments in digital and green technologies.

  • Portugal’s TOMI smart city displays go touchless

    The user need to read the QR Code on the screens with a smartphone to explore all the contents (news, events, points of interest, public services, transport) or even take a photo.

    Portugal-based smart city solutions company TOMI has launched a new way to interact with the smart city digital displays. The user need to read the QR Code on the screens with a smartphone and can explore all the contents (news, events, points of interest, public services, transport) or even take a photo.

  • Portuguese authorities must consider the adoption of open source

    All Portuguese public administrations must consider using open source for their office suites, email, web sites, document management and IT system management. Increasing this type of software is part of a major IT overhaul that was made public on 21 March 2012.

    The government plan makes it mandatory for public administrations to compare open source and proprietary software solutions, before purchasing technology solutions or services. "Government entities should always quantify the total costs of ownership, taking in mind direct and indirect costs", it mentions.

    It also wants public administrations to make sure that they retain intellectual property over software applications that are made for the authorities. The government recommends using the European Union's public software licence EUPL.

  • PT: Algarve has “great” potential to be a “smart destination”

    A new study about the Algarve reveals that the region should take advantage of the “great potential” it has in terms of digital connectivity with tourists to become a ‘smart destination’.

    “There is great potential here in terms of connectivity with tourists. To ensure that, as soon as they arrive at the destination, we can accompany them, know where they are, what their preferences are, and to communicate a personalised tourist offer to provide experiences according to their profile”, said Rui Gidro, 'partner' of Deloitte, the company responsible for the study commissioned by the Algarve Tourism Region, within the scope of the project “Algarve Smart Region”.

  • PT: Authentication with eID card available in more eServices

    More eGovernment services enable the online authentication of their users by means of their national eIdentity card (the Citizen's Card - Cartão do Cidadão, in Portuguese).

    At this stage, the Citizen's Card appears as an alternative to the citizens' online authentication through their tax number and the password provided by the State Treasury.

  • PT: Citizen and business portals are rebuilt using open source

    Portugal's Agency for the Public Services Reform (Agência para a Modernização Administrativa - AMA, in Portuguese) is revamping its main eGovernment portals for citizens and businesses, using the open source portal software Liferay.

    Using open source tools, says Gonçalo Caseiro, spokesperson for AMA, is "in line with the European eGovernment Action Plan and the recently approved Portuguese Global Strategic Plan for the Rationalisation and Cost Reduction in ICT in Public Administration."

    Caseiro added that Liferay was selected following a benchmark process that compared several alternatives. The open source solution came out as the best one in terms of reliability and flexibility, allowing AMA's engineers to build the portal's functional requirements. "This solution will also generate savings of several hundred thousand euro, compared to proprietary solutions."

  • PT: Consensus among political parties on open source and open standards in the Public Administration

    On 7 June 2011, the Portuguese Open Source Business Association (Associação de Empresas de Software Open Source Portuguesas - ESOP, in Portuguese) organised an event under the theme of 'Open Source and Open Standards in the Public Administration - Contribution to the growth of the Portuguese economy'. Politicians in attendance reached a cross-party consensus on the issue of open source and open standards in the Public Administration (PA).

    Gonçalo Caseiro, Member of the Board of the Agency for the Public Services Reform (Agência para a Modernização Administrativa - AMA, in Portuguese), gave a presentation that addressed the issues of interoperability, open standards and open source in the PA, the AMA's perspective on these issues, and provided examples of actions taken in recent years within the PA.

  • PT: eGovernment portals for citizens and businesses provide more and better quality eServices

    Between November 2010 and 10 June 2011, 452 new online services became available on the national eGovernment portals aimed at citizens (Portal do Cidadão, in Portuguese) and businesses (Portal da Empresa, in Portuguese) respectively. In the same period, 205 existing services were restructured while 223 were removed.

    This initiative aims to render the information for citizens and businesses simpler, clearer and more accessible. This has been the mission of the Agency for Administrative Modernisation (Agência para a Modernização Administrativa - AMA, in Portuguse) in collaboration with various government entities.

  • PT: Entrepreneur's Desk available through Business Portal

    The Entrepreneur's Desk (Balcão do Empreendedor - BdE, in Portuguese), a national electronic one-stop shop that enables the completion of administrative formalities for businesses, has recently become available via the Business Portal.

    BdE serves as a single access point for integrated information presented in a simple and uniform manner on 462 services that are required in carrying out over 450 business activities, of which 130 can be performed completely online. Any citizen or EU Member State national who wishes to start a business in Portugal can obtain information about the necessary procedures, ranging from tax and social security obligations to business setup and operation.

  • PT: ePrescriptions mandatory since 1 August 2011

    On 1 August 2011, electronic prescriptions (ePrescriptions) became mandatory for medicines reimbursed by the State.

    Exceptional situations where manual prescriptions can continue to be used are laid down in Article 9, Paragraph 2 of Ministerial Order no. 198/2011 of 18 May 2011.

  • PT: Lisbon launches new portal to promote citizen participation

    Lisbon City Council has launched the portal 'Lisbon Participates' ('Lisboa Participa', in Portuguese), which promotes the civic participation of its residents in targeted projects. The portal seeks to establish a close link, communication and interaction between citizens and local authorities.

    According to a communiqué released by the municipality, the portal was created with the aim to encourage civic participation on issues deemed important to the city, thus empowering stakeholders to play a full part in new ideas and projects.

  • PT: Lisbon Metro introduces contactless transit payments

    The Portuguese transit agency is moderinising its payment infrastructure and offering customer-centric payment options to increase public transport ridership.

    Lisbon Metro (Metro de Lisboa) in Portugal is introducing contactless bank card payments with transit payments specialist Littlepay.

    The operator is modernising its transit payment infrastructure with the aim of increasing the use of public transport in the city.

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