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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Samitivej Group and BNH Hospital, Thailand have recently launched mobile application called “Samitivej Connect by TrueMove H” and “BNH Connect by TrueMove H” under the concecpt of Connected Health to deliver healthcare services within a single tap.

“City life has made visiting hospitals difficult for some people due to traffic congestion and busy works. Hospitals need to develop a new approach to deliver healthcare service to the patients at this era,” said Dr Somsiri Sakolsatayadorn, Managing Director and CEO of Samitivej Group.

In partnership with TrueMove — the country’s major telecommunication provider, the new apps will be a new innovative personal care served on seamless 3G+ connection provided by TrueMove H to ensure patients an around the clock healthcare services.

The two apps feature ‘Personaled Health Secretary that will provide 24/7 answering service to all enquiries related to health problem, a reminder alert for appointment with doctors, a pre-set to call your emergency contact, an ambulance calling function that will locating the user’s position instantly.

The Samitivej Group consists of three prominent hospitals which are Samitivej Sukhumvit, Samitivej Srinakarin, and Samitivej Sriracha. It also operate BNH Hospital in Bangkok.

The Samitivej Group will continue to develop these applications to cover information relevant to patients suffered from chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, or kidney disease in the near future, said Dr Sakolsatayadorn.

The two applications are now available for both iOS and Android enabled devices.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Thanya Kunakornpaiboonsiri

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 09.04.2013

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