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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Authorities have banned the sale of land in 12 villages in southern Vientiane after the government gave the green light for a private company to build a planned smart city.

The government has given permission for Duangchalern Development Construction Group Co, Ltd. to carry out a feasibility study on the development of a smart city in southern Vientiane over an area of 2,900 hectares.

Read more: Laos authorities ban sale of land reserved for smart city

The development of smart cities in Luang Namtha and Oudomxay provinces will soon get underway as authorities in charge are finalising negotiations on project agreements.

Addressing the annual meeting of the planning and investment sector in Vientiane recently, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Investment, Dr Sonexay Siphandone, briefed participants on the progress of these projects.

Read more: LA: Luang Namtha and Oudomxay: Smart city development expected to begin soon

The Vietnamese military-run medium cluster Viettel plans to roll out 5G technology in Laos by year-end. this is often Vietnam’s third overseas launch of the service.

The country aims to expand this list to four Southeast Asian nations.

Viettel, that is that the Vietnam’s largest mobile carrier, has been testing 5G in Union of Burma and Asian country through native arms since summer, and in its domestic market since last month, seeking to supply cheap service.

Read more: 5G Technology makes its way to Laos

Oudomxay is speeding up efforts to create a smart city as part of a master plan to transform the province into a socio-economic development hub for the northern region, the province’s Party leader has said.

Addressing the recent 11th Congress of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, provincial Party Committee Secretary Khamphanh Pheuyavong said the planned smart city would be comprehensively systematic. It will comprise industrial, logistics, trade, residential, service and green areas.

Read more: LA: Oudomxay province expedites smart city plan to spur regional development

The Lao and Vietnamese governments have agreed to continue cooperation in the development of cyber security, e-government solution, and postal service.

The commitment to ongoing cyber security, e-government solutions and postal cooperation was made in Lao capital Vientiane on Tuesday between Lao's Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and Vietnam's Ministry of Information and Communications, local daily Vientiane Times reported Wednesday.

Read more: Laos, Vietnam to cooperate in e-government, cyber security

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