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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Electronic governance is key to achieving reforms in public administration, said Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma.

Speaking at the opening of a one-day conference on e-Governance for Small States held at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, UK, on 19 November 2012, the Secretary-General said e-Governance facilitates improvements in public financial management, anti-corruption and enhances efficiency in service delivery.

Read more: Commonwealth: E-Governance Leads to More Effective Government

Web initiative will strengthen cooperation between members of the community

An Internet gateway that would make two billion people across six continents feel more connected to one another? On May 3, 2011, OpenText™ and the Commonwealth Secretariat answered that question when they announced the creation of Commonwealth Connects.

Featuring the latest OpenText technology, Commonwealth Connects is an innovative portal which will allow members of the Commonwealth community — including individuals, organizations and governments — to share information, network and collaborate online.

Read more: New online platform will help people connect across Commonwealth

If technology was to make a real difference to the lives of common people, the governments of the 53 Commonwealth countries, especially those of Africa and Asia, must consider ways of providing communication bandwidth free of cost, said President A PJ Abdul Kalam today.

Addressing the Commonwealth Connects International e-Partnership Summit here, Kalam said if the Indian experience in connectivity was any guide to the creation of a Commonwealth-wide knowledge grid, the large-scale adaptation of local languages that empowered people to access and make use of technology would be needed. This, in turn, would power the spread of education, healthcare and a range of other crucial services to a wider base of people than ever before, he added.

Read more: Kalam urges Commonwealth governments to offer bandwidth free of cost

Impressed with Malaysia's remarkable progress in promoting the use of Information Technology (IT) in the public sector, the Commonwealth plans to implement Kuala Lumpur's success in other developing countries, especially in Africa.

London-based Commonwealth Business Council director-general Dr Mohan Kaul said the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (Mampu) and the Malaysia Development Corporation had successfully introduced IT in government departments to enhance work efficiency and improve public delivery system.

Read more: Commonwealth Plans To Emulate Malaysia's IT Success

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