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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Governments in the region have a critical role to play in providing an appropriate environment for the development and growth of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector, says Jamaican Minster of State in the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Michael Stern.

"This is particularly important at this time when governments throughout the Caribbean are increasingly recognising the significant benefits of broadband to our business communities, and economies," Stern said.

Read more: Caribbean: Regional governments have critical role in ICT growth, says Jamaican minister

Caricom Secretary-General Edwin Carrington says the public service is critical to advancing regional integration arrangements, in his address at the Caribbean Centre of Development Administration (CARICAD) meeting last Wednesday.

“The public service must be made aware of their integral role in advancing the objectives and implementing the decisions of the Caribbean Community,” Carrington told the 29th CARICAD Board meeting held at the Caricom Secretariat. In a press release Caricom said CARICAD focuses through various interventions, on upgrading and strengthening the managerial capability of the public sector for the more effective implementation of public policy across the Region.

Read more: Caribbean Region: Public service critical to integration

The Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) will hold the twenty-ninth Meeting of its Board of Directors in Guyana July 7-9, 2009. CARICAD is a CARICOM institution, located in Barbados, and was established by the CARICOM Heads of Government in 1979. It is the region’s focal point for public sector transformation.

In addition to its routine review of the work of the institution, the Board of Directors will pay particular attention to progress in a range of areas. Foremost among them is the harmonization of administrative arrangements for the implementation of the CSME, the development of a regional strategy for e-Governance and the introduction of a regional public service awards scheme. The Award Scheme will be closely tied to a programme of celebration to mark CARICAD’s thirtieth anniversary.

Read more: Caribbean Region: Board of Directors meets as CARICAD nears milestone

“The public service must be made aware of their integral role in advancing the objectives and implementing the decisions of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM),” said Edwin Carrington, CARICOM Secretary-General.

He was at the time addressing the Board of Directors of the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD). They met at the headquarters of the CARICOM Secretariat, Georgetown, Guyana, on Wednesday July 8, 2009 on the occasion of their twenty-ninth meeting.

Read more: Caribbean Region: Public service critical to regional intergration, says CARICOM Secretary General

Governments across the Caribbean are going E - and by “E” we mean electronic. That is why administrators from 9 CARICOM countries are in Belize this week formulating a policy for the effective implementation of regional e-government and information communications technology. It is facilitated by the Caribbean Center for Development Administration – CARICAD – and Belize’s Ministry of the Public Service. They told us how going “E” can revolutionize the way government does business – from applying for birth papers and passports online – and paying your income tax – at the touch of a mouse.

Read more: Caribbean Region: Government Going E

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