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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The ISA programme supports the development of tools, services and frameworks in the area of e-Government through more than 40 actions. The solutions below are already operational. Over the coming months, further solutions will be ready for your use. All solutions are available free of charge to any interested Public Administration in Europe, with the exception of the machine translation tool MT@EC, which is available for a free trial only until the end of 2015 and the sTESTA service which can be used freely only under certain conditions. Check out which of these solutions might be beneficial for your administration.

  • Open e-Prior

    An e-procurement system for Public Administrations

    You are a European administration intending to switch to e-Invoicing or e-Procurement, or a system integrator working on an eProcurement approach for a European administration.

  • EUSurvey

    A tool for creating, managing and analysing online surveys and public consultations

    You would like to create and conduct multilingual online surveys or consultations with easy analysis of results.

  • Joinup

    A platform facilitating the sharing and reuse of IT solutions developed for Public Administrations

    You would like to set up your own national collaborative platform and catalogue of reusable IT solutions providing similar services to those of

  • MT@EC

    A machine translation service, covering all of the EU's official languages

    You receive a question or a request in an official EU language you do not understand. You need to establish if the document is relevant for you or to whom you could forward it for further action.

  • Highly reusable semantic standards:

    Core vocabularies, the Asset Description Metadata Schema, and the DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe.

    You work in the area of government metadata management and want to check up on and possibly reuse semantic assets (metadata and/or reference data), or understand semantic interoperability requirements and tools. You are looking for lessons learnt and case studies. You want to share your own semantic assets.

  • Open e-TrustEx

    A secure document exchange platform

    You are a European public administration that needs to electronically exchange information with other entities in a secure way.

  • SD-DSS and TLManager

    Open Source tools for the creation and validation of eSignatures in interoperable EU format and for the creation of Trusted Lists

    You work for the public administration of a Member State and need to put in place solutions for electronic signatures or create and maintain the Trusted List of your Member State.


    Common assessment method for standards and specifications

    You want to use ICT standards or specifications in procuring and implementing your regional, national or cross-border ICT services. You would like to make sure that you choose the best available ICT standards or specifications to fulfil your business needs.

  • IMM

    Interoperability Maturity Model

    You want to assess the interoperability readiness of your services and raise awareness of the need for interoperable solutions.

  • sTESTA

    A Data communication network service, operated by the European Commission

    You would like to implement an information system to exchange data between your administration and other administrations in Europe (EU and national). The security and availability of the data are especially important to you.

  • EIRA

    European Interoperability Reference Architecture

    You work in a public administration. A cross-border public service is about to be developed. You would like to keep costs down and reuse solutions that have already been developed.


    Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens

    You are a member of a widespread collaborative group. You would like to share information and resources in private workspaces over the web.

  • OCS for ECIs

    Online Collection Software to support European Citizens' Initiatives

    You are the organiser of a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and wish to gather statements of support online.

  • IMI

    The Internal Market Information System, a flexible administrative cooperation platform

    You work in a national, regional or local authority, and you need information from an authority in another Member State.


Quelle/Source: European Commission, 09.05.2015

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