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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The European Commission says e-government has a role to play in the proposed new EU constitution

National e-government strategies should be brought together at the EU level in order to boost proposals for European citizenship and a common constitution, Erkki Liikanen, European commissioner responsible for enterprise and information society, said on 7 July 2003. Addressing delegates at an e-government conference to mark Italy's EU presidency, Liikanen called for a new policy to ensure that people have access to e-services in all member states.

"By bringing national e-government strategies together at the European level we can support European citizenship and make the internal market a reality through pan-European services," he said.

"In Europe, citizens are free to work and re-locate within the EU. Enterprises can trade and carry out business across the EU. A policy objective should be that citizens and companies have access to e-government services in all member states. Integrating the pan-European in the national e-government strategies fits also well with the new European constitution which reinforces the concept of European citizenship."

Liikanen heralded the "breakthrough" of pan-European services. He said there is a "continuous evolution" of several key services which include:

  • Eures, a one stop employment portal
  • Solvit, which attempts to break through administrative obstacles that hold up people moving across borders
  • Eurodac, a pan-European asylum system which involves a fingerprints database
Liikanen also revealed that the Commission is soon to announce an update on the e-Europe 2005 action plan, to be issued after the conference.

Following his speech Liikanen announced the winners of the EU's e-government competition.

The winners were:

  • Germany's Bremen Online Services which involves online transactions and e-signatures
  • Austria's "Help" online guide to the government
  • Spain's Agencia Tributaria for its online tax services
An "honourable mention" went to Scotland's Argyll and Bute Council for its Three Island Partnership linking remote communities.

Quelle: Kablenet

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