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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
„Infolge der alternden Bevölkerung steht Europa vor Engpässen im Gesundheitswesen. Durch den bestmöglichen Einsatz digitaler Technik können wir Kosten senken, den Patienten mehr Kontrolle geben, die Gesundheitsfürsorge effizienter machen und den europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern länger eine aktive Teilhabe in der Gesellschaft ermöglichen. Wir müssen den Finger am Puls der Zeit haben!“ – Neelie Kroes.

Was ist die Diagnose?

Zwei in Europa unter Akutkrankenhäusern (d. h. Krankenhäusern mit kurzfristiger ärztlicher und chirurgischer Behandlung) und praktischen Ärzten durchgeführte Umfragen haben eine zunehmende Nutzung elektronischer Gesundheitsdienste ergeben. 60 % der praktischen Ärzte nutzten demnach im Jahr 2013 elektronische Gesundheitsdienste, gegenüber 50 % im Jahr 2007. Es muss jedoch noch viel mehr getan werden.

Read more: E-Gesundheit in der EU: wie ist die Diagnose?

Majority of European States Using Smart Card based Security Solutions for eIDs and Online Public Services

Internet is very much a part of modern life; today online world has pierced in every aspect of our lives such as online shopping, banking or chatting. Not only e-commerce is continuously growing, online services from public sector are also increasingly used throughout Europe. They provide a more convenient and efficient way for the public to access their government services and reduce the frequency of the time-consuming visits to their local government offices.

Read more: EU: Identity Protection on the Internet

The EU’s cyber security Agency, ENISA, is publishing a series of new studies about the current security practices of Trust Service Providers (TSPs) and recommendations for improving cross-border trustworthiness and interoperability for the new regulated TSPs and for e-Government services using them. Secure governmental e-services are critical for society, e.g. health, procurement, justice. Security is crucial for gaining the trust of the EU citizens on using these services. However, there are many security challenges to overcome in order to ensure their successful deployment.

Read more: EU: Improving trust in web services

Electronic signatures (e-signatures) should be relied upon more often as a means for verifying the identity of individuals seeking to use online services within the EU, according to new reports

The reports, published by EU advisory body the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), said regulators should encourage "a wider use" of e-signatures as an "authentication mechanism" for accessing 'trust services'.

Read more: EU: Report calls for wider use of electronic signatures in verifying e-Gov't service users' identity

The European Parliament has voted to support the European Commission’s eHealth Action Plan, which seeks to address barriers to the full use of digital solutions in Europe’s healthcare systems.

Welcoming the vote, Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission said: “I want to thank Spanish Member of the European Parliament Pilar Auyso for her positive approach to the eHealth Action Plan for 2012-2020. Her report and Parliament’s support underlines and strengthens the EU’s common vision on eHealth.

Read more: EU Parliament supports eHealth Action Plan

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