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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

If you're planning on launching a remote treatment program or partnering with a healthcare provider in Germany, don't. Remote telehealth programs are banned in that country. But they are encouraged in Spain.

Market conditions for mHealth vary greatly across Europe, according to a new report issued by the research2guidance. In fact, the Berlin-based marketing company's analysis of five key mHealth factors in 28 EU countries finds that developers and providers looking to do business overseas will need to study the conditions in each nation very carefully before moving forward.

Read more: mHealth in Europe: A mixed bag

The ISA programme supports the development of tools, services and frameworks in the area of e-Government through more than 40 actions. The solutions below are already operational. Over the coming months, further solutions will be ready for your use. All solutions are available free of charge to any interested Public Administration in Europe, with the exception of the machine translation tool MT@EC, which is available for a free trial only until the end of 2015 and the sTESTA service which can be used freely only under certain conditions. Check out which of these solutions might be beneficial for your administration.

Read more: EU: Our ISA solutions for you

The European Commission has today released its new Digital Single Market Strategy. The objectives of the strategy sit within the wider political context: helping to restore a limp European economy to growth, whilst maintaining an effective welfare state and public services. Will this strategy help to deliver the kind of dynamic social market economy Europeans demand?

Vice-President of the European Commission Andrus Ansip has rightly set out an ambitious vision of a Digital Single Market. For those who believe in an enabling set of rules that will take society forward now is the time to step forward to support this vision. The alternative — a set of rules that fragment regulation along member state lines and reverse digital progress — is not a viable option.

Read more: European Commission Releases Digital Single Market Strategy: The Good and The Bad

Das Internet und die digitalen Technologien verändern unsere Welt – in allen Lebens- und Wirtschaftsbereichen. Europa muss sich die digitale Revolution zu eigen machen und für Menschen und Unternehmen Möglichkeiten in der digitalen Welt schaffen. Dies wird möglich, wenn wir die Dynamik des EU-Binnenmarkts nutzen. Die Europäische Kommission hat heute ihre detaillierten Pläne zur Schaffung eines digitalen Binnenmarkts vorgestellt und damit eine ihrer obersten Prioritäten in Angriff genommen.

Read more: Ein digitaler Binnenmarkt für Europa: Kommission stellt 16 Initiativen zur Verwirklichung vor

Wild goose chase across level playing field begins

The European Commission has finally unveiled its big Digital Single Market Strategy (DSM). Despite leak after leak over recent weeks, Digi Commissioners Andrus “The Robot” Ansip and Gunther H-dot Oettinger took to the podium together (for the first time) with due pomp and ceremony on Wednesday.

But what they presented was a rather damp squip - no actual legislation, just a list of “things we’d like to do”.

Read more: EU Digital Single Market plan: We will compromise fast, and compromise early

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