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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Interview with Fuad Alasgarov, head of the Presidential Administration's department for work with law-enforcement agencies.

On 23 May 2011 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree "On measures for the application of e-services by state agencies”. Since this decree is of importance both in developing e-government and further strengthening the fight against corruption, News.Az interviewed Fuad Alasgarov, head of the Presidential Administration's department for work with law-enforcement agencies.

What measures have been taken to introduce information and communication technology in state governance in Azerbaijan and what is the main purpose of the decree signed by the president?

First of all, I would like to note that at present the concept of electronic services is widespread in international experience, utilizing information and communication technology in order to speed up, simplify and facilitate relations between state and society. E-services are also considered an effective way to prevent corruption and ensure transparency.

The sustainable development concept put forward by the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr Ilham Aliyev, specifies the wide application of the achievements of modern technology and progressive international experience in all fields.

Information and communication technology is being successfully utilized in state governance alongside other fields. Important measures have been taken in recent years in order to ensure modern and prompt governance and to organize state governance on the basis of modern principles.

According to the reports of international organizations, Azerbaijan holds one of the leading positions among the CIS and some European countries in the utilization of modern information technology, as well as in the application of that technology in the work of state agencies.

The relevant legal framework has been created to implement work in this area efficiently, qualitatively and in a short period of time. At present some state agencies already provide e-services to the public through the Internet.

E-services have great importance in increasing the efficiency and quality of mutual relations between state agencies and citizens, ensuring transparency and eradicating factors conducive to corruption. Mr President's latest decree envisages additional measures in order to improve and speed up the introduction of e-services by the state agencies.

First and foremost, this decree is to be assessed in the context of the measures to ensure anti-corruption and transparency. E-services minimize direct contact between state agents and citizens and eradicate factors conducive to corruption. In this regard, the wide application of e-services will become one of the important measures in fighting corruption.

What measures does the decree envisage on the introduction of e-services?

In accordance with the decree, within three months a special e-service section will operate on the websites of all the state agencies. The title of the service, the precise list of documents required for a particular service and an electronic format for applications, forms and other documents to be filled in by an applicant will be placed in the e-service section.

Anyone wishing to benefit from the e-service will be able to enter the section on the website of the relevant agency and send their application on the appropriate form, as well as scanned copies of the required documents in electronic format. The applicant will immediately receive confirmation of receipt of the documents by the state agencies.

When providing the service, state agencies may demand the original of a document only in cases when they cannot obtain information about the document from electronic information resources, their own databases or those of other state agencies. As we know, there is an inter-agency automatic information-search system on “Entry-exit and registration”, a “State registry of the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, a “Single migration information system”, “Searchable database for physical persons on the tax register”, an “Address registry of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and other permanently updated databases. Each state agency will have direct access to these databases. The agency rendering the service will be able to obtain information about the relevant document by sending an inquiry to the said database. If there is no information in the single electronic databases about the required document, the original of the document can be required of the applicant.

There is another issue. The payment of duties and other fees is envisaged for a number of services. The state agencies will undertake the relevant measures to ensure that the fees can be paid electronically. As you know, the size of fees for all services is indicated on the website “”. Moreover, information about the size of duties and other fees to be paid for services will be placed on the official website of each state agency.

What deadlines are envisaged for the consideration of applications, once a citizen uses an e-service?

The deadlines for consideration of applications to each service are set out precisely in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Those deadlines will be set for electronic applications as well. In the meantime, I would like to note that foreigners and stateless persons will be able to use e-services alongside citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Will e-signatures be required for e-services and what action is being taken on e-signatures overall?

An e-signature is an important element in the introduction of e-services. Legislation envisages the application of e-signatures. Work on this will be completed soon. This decree sets out instructions to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology on the mass application of e-signatures. However, until e-signatures are used widely, they will not be required on documents for state agencies. To put it simply, I would like to reiterate once again that it will be sufficient for an applicant to send an application and any other scanned documents required in electronic format to the e-service section of a state agency's website in order to receive the service required.

The decree also provides for the establishment of a single electronic portal for the implementation of all e-services in accordance with the “one stop” principle. The citizens will be able to enter the e-service section of the desired agency through that portal.

In what areas will e-services be introduced?

As I mentioned before, some state agencies have already been providing e-services through their official websites. As examples, we can give the websites of the State Customs Committee, Ministry of Taxes, the State Students Admission Commission, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and other state agencies.

In order to further extend this list to encompass all types of services provided by state agencies on entrepreneurship and business, economics and trade, social protection and employment, education, science and health, law-enforcement, migration, culture and tourism, youth and sport, transport, communication and other spheres, Mr President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to determine the types of services to be provided by the state agencies within two months.

As an example, a number of types of services can be rendered electronically. The issuing of a certificate on the ownership of property, which is also called “Form No. 1”, provided by the Real Estate Registry of the State Property Committee, requires a copy of the ID card, of the extract from the registry on ownership rights on the real estate and other documents. These documents will be scanned and together with the application will be sent to the e-service section of the registry and, after the appropriate inquiry, the staff of the body will provide the applicant with the required document. In the meantime, electronic services will be possible in other fields as well – recognition of diplomas provided by the educational establishments of foreign countries, pensions, changes of ID cards, maps of plots of land with measurements, the work of notaries, issuing of licences, etc.

I would also like to note that providing high quality e-services requires increased knowledge of information technology from state agents and civil servants. The decree envisages training for state agents to improve their skills in the use of information technology.


Quelle/Source: News.Az, 24.05.2011

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