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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Prime Minister Jüri Ratas met with his Croatian colleague Andrej Plenković in Zagreb on Tuesday. According to Ratas, Croatia is greatly interested in e-health solutions, and would like to see digital prescriptions introduced across the EU.

Ratas said that the Croatian visit summed up all the others he made before to introduce Estonia’s priorities for its EU council presidency, especially with the country’s lively interest in the digital development of Europe.

Read more: EE: Ratas: Estonia, Croatia committed to developing e-health in Europe

CYBER-SAVVY Estonia has taken yet another step forward in global technology, as the small Baltic state is set to open the world’s first data embassy in Luxembourg early next year.

The heavily protected server room will contain important Estonian e-government data, so that the NATO and eurozone members can access it even when systems are down at home.

Read more: E-stonia: a trailblazer in technology

With Britain missing its turn for the European Union presidency in light of Brexit, the rotating six-month duty has fallen into Estonia’s lap earlier than planned.

Until the end of the year, the northernmost Baltic country will lead the EU through a complicated period: On top of difficult divorce negotiations between Britain and the 27-nation bloc, Estonia will also oversee talks on the Russian Nordstream 2 gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea to Germany, an issue over which several diverging interests are likely to face off in Europe.

Read more: Estonia, Leading The EU Into The E-Future

Estonia has produced a digital solution which will make it simpler to organise and run the events taking place during the Estonian EU Presidency. Presidency Gateway is the central web portal which will be used by the ministries organising the Presidency events, as well as the delegates and if necessary the journalists attending the events.

Already in spring, Enterprise Estonia, the state-run agency responsible for promoting Estonia abroad and attracting investment, launched two brand new web platforms – and, at the cost of €200,000.

Read more: EE: Presidency Gateway: Estonia’s digital gift to the EU

Innovations like Skype, TransferWise, Pipedrive push Baltic state’s post-Soviet success

Amid the fog of uncertainty over Brexit, a growing number of Britons are finding a route to remain in the European Union through a tiny country on the Baltic Sea.

Read more: Estonia’s e-residency offers EU bolthole to Britons facing Brexit

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