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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Siemens Business Services gibt 55.000 Chipkarten an der Universität Prag aus

Innerhalb von nur drei Monaten hat Siemens Business Services 55.000 Studenten der Prager Charles Universität mit Smartcards ausgestattet. Der Siemens-Bereich wurde erst Ende Juli 2003 mit dem Projekt beauftragt. Es ist das größte Smartcard-Projekt der Tschechischen Republik.

Read more: Größtes Smartcard-Projekt in Tschechien

After a thirty-day trial period, the Ministry of Informatics has launched its Public Administration Portal for the public - The free services the site offers include complete lists of municipalities, state and local authorities, databases of laws of the Czech Republic, EU guidelines and regulations, and various kinds of advice.

Read more: Czech Republic: First step to e-government

The privatization of Czech IT and systems integrator PVT (formerly Podnik Vypocetni Techniky) could be held up by the quest of the Ministry of Informatics to separate from the sale a PVT daughter company that is authorized to issue state-recognized electronic signatures. The ministry fears that if the company, Prvni Certifikacni, is sold off with PVT, it will set back the ministry's effort to improve e-government.

Read more: Czech Republic:PVT sale could get stuck on gov´t interest in e-signature company

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