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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

A total of €15 million will be allocated towards improving public administration services and social dialogue

Training for over 4,500 workers in the public administration, NGOs, and social partners will be provided for

The quality of public services will be strengthened through sixteen new projects co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds Aaron Farrugia announced today.

Read more: MT: New EU-funded projects target shortcomings in public administration

In 2017, individuals aged between 16 and 74 who regularly made use of the internet reached 271,699 persons, 80.1 per cent of the total population, the NSO said today.

ICT Usage by Households: 2017

All of the 16 to 24 age cohort in the population said to have used the internet in 2017, while individuals aged 65 to 74 recorded the lowest internet usage levels at 40.6 per cent. Survey results show that during the year under review, 83.4 per cent of individuals aged between 16 and 74 accessed the internet away from home or work via their mobile phone. This resulted in an increase of 7.6 percentage points when compared to the previous year.

Read more: MT: 80 per cent of adult population uses internet regularly – NSO

Moves one place up the ranking to 12th

Malta has been making steady progress in its digital economy and now ranks 12th out of the 28 EU member states, moving up one place since 2015.

The EU’s mid-term review of the 2015 Digital Single Market strategy highlighted a number of projects being undertaken by the Malta Communications Authority and other stakeholders to improve the ranking.

Read more: Malta making steady digital progress

Malta was highlighted as a leading Digital Government case study at the Commonwealth Local Government Conference taking place this week at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta.

Addressing the delegates in his keynote speech, David Burrows, managing director International Organisations, WorldWide Industry at Microsoft referred to Microsoft CityNext, a global initiative that puts the power of Microsoft's Partner Network, its technology, its safe and secure cloud computing, the successful educational and entrepreneurial programmes and its 30 years of experience in empowering regions, cities and municipalities worldwide at the service of governments and regions across the world. Microsoft is the sponsoring Technology Partner for the bi-annual Commonwealth Local Government Conference.

Read more: Microsoft highlights Malta’s eGovernment as a Microsoft CityNext case study

Icon’s digital solution for Jobsplus (formerly ETC) has received a prestigious award from the Malta Communications Authority for best technology in the e-Government sector. Apart from providing job seekers with matched vacancies and employers with matched CV profiles, it gives stakeholders the opportunity to view and analyse the most common gaps between profiles and enterprise demands.

The portal developed by Icon is part of a fully-responsive website which can be used seamlessly on desktops, tablets and smartphones alike. With a deep understanding of the recruitment sector, and a highly-qualified team, Icon, a Microsoft and Google Partner, was able to offer a cost-effective solution, designed to be approachable and appeal to a younger audience, in line with the brand strategy recently introduced through the transition from the ETC to Jobsplus.

Read more: MT: Digital portal for Jobsplus receives e-Business Award

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