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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Irish Government will commit almost half a billion Euros of investment to e-health when it publishes its National Development Plan for health.

Investment will be focused on systems that improve patient care in hospital or community settings, with a particular focus on supporting community-based health professionals.

Read more: Ireland to invest Euros 500m in e-health

Results of the last General Election could have been different if online or text voting had been implemented, a new survey has revealed.

According to a study carried out by business communications firm Damovo, almost 400,000 voters could have been added to the total poll if they had been given the choice to vote through a secure website, a voting telephone service or through SMS. The total poll for the day stood at almost 2 million people.

Read more: Over half of Irish voters open to e-voting

More than 100 community groups in South Dublin have signed up to use South Dublin Co Council’s (SDCC) online portal Connect.

Connect Web is a resource that allows SDCC communities to create an online presence: the site creation and hosting is done free of charge and community leaders are trained to update and manage their group.

Read more: Ireland: South Dublin Co Council connects with citizens

While the telephone remains the primary method by which Irish citizens communicate with their government, some 30pc do so through text and email.

According to the latest report on e-government by consultancy firm Accenture, Ireland ranked 11th out of 22 countries in terms of best-practice in customer-service programmes.

Read more: Ireland: 30pc contact govt by email and text

Life in Mayo County Council has been made easier for all since the implementation of its exemplary self-service pre-planning system.

The council has a proven track record in providing online services. Last year it won the Accessibility Award at the Irish eGovernment Awards.

Read more: Ireland: A self-made success for Mayo County Council

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