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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Unions fire warning shot on plans for ‘external service delivery’, or outsourcing of jobs

The Government’s new public service reform programme is very ambitious in its scope.

It seeks to continue with the current dramatic reduction in numbers employed – ultimately saving up to €2.5 billion in gross payroll costs by 2015.

At the same time it also provides for the introduction of new and potentially very lucrative efficiencies in relation to public procurement, shared services between public bodies and greater use of e-government.

Read more: IE: Plan sets out major savings but integrated service some way off

E-government in Ireland, a term not heard of for quite a while, has returned to the table and the provisions set out by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin, TD, call for more progress in the area, along with advances in cloud computing and shared services.

Today, Howlin proposed a set of plans that will see the number of people employed in the public sector drop by 37,500 to 282,500 by 2015.

While the reductions are going to result in savings for the public purse, it is clear that State doesn’t want to see any reduction in the quality of service to citizens (aka, customers).

Read more: E-government is back on Ireland’s national agenda

The Govt will spend more than €2.2m this year on paper payslips for employees, despite a commitment to secure savings in the area.

The Government will spend in excess of €2.2m this year on paper payslips for employees, despite its commitment to secure savings through increased use of the internet.

The figures emerged in responses to Parliamentary Questions submitted by Independent TD Denis Naughten.

Read more: IE: Govt to spend €2.2m on payslips this year

The Dublin local authorities have harnessed new technologies to create Your Dublin Your Voice as a way in which you can have your voice heard, and it wants to hear from you.

Your Dublin Your Voice is an initiative of the four Dublin local authorities that gives Dubliners and visitors an opportunity to provide opinions and views on what they love, like and loathe in the Irish capital.

The project seeks feedback and suggestions, via online surveys, on a range of issues that impact the quality of life in Dublin.

Read more: IE: Your Dublin Your Voice seeks your voice

A new pilot rheumatology telemedicine outpatient service launched recently between Roscommon County Hospital and Merlin Park University Hospital, Galway, is set to save patients at the County Hospital from having to travel to Galway for treatment.

The first rheumatology telemedicine outpatient clinic attended by four patients was held in Roscommon on Friday, October 7, and involved them linking up via computer with Consultant Rheumatologist Dr Robert Coughlan in Merlin Park.

Read more: IE: Telemedicine service similar to ‘Skyping’

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